Chapter 5- Stories

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(~Your POV~)

"Hey Sans!" I wave to him while sprinting over. Fell smiles although he looks exhausted. It seems like I might've spooked him out of dozing off. He's leaning his head on one of his arms, "How ya doing, Y/N?" "Good! I almost died." I joke. Sans' eyes widen and he sits up, "What? Something happen? Where's Boss?!"

Papyrus catches up, huffing in annoyance, "Right here. (S/c) Eyes almost died because she doesn't watch where she's going and she forgets to stay close to me." He definitely brought out that last part to scold me. I nervously smile, "I'm sorry that I saw Sans and ran ahead of you." Boss crosses his arms and looks away, not saying anything else.

'No rejection. He accepted my apology.'

"Heh, so ya enjoying your eventful walk?" Sans asks. I nod, not needing to bring up the details of my conversation with Boss. He smiles, "That's good. I would invite ya to sit with me but it gets pretty boring." Edge corrects him, getting annoyed, "Sans fails to mention that he can't protect himself, let alone another person."

Sans chuckles and winks, "That's what he thinks." "I KNOW SO BECAUSE YOU DO NOTHING BUT SLEEP AND LAZE AROUND AT HOME!" Papyrus erupted, slamming his foot into the snow.

I flinched and dodged to the side out of reflex. Most likely from past experiences, my mind was expecting one of them to fight the other. Fell to talk back or Edge to slap his brother. However, nothing happened this time. Now, all of the unwanted attention is stuck on me. Both brothers are looking to me with confused expressions.

A minute goes by and Fell looks back to his brother, "WeLL... Work is exhausting, Boss." "I manage and so should you." Edge snarls. "Why not take a break then? You never take them even though you're more than allowed to." Sans sighs. "You don't understand a single thing, do you?" Boss snaps back.

I'm watching Papyrus, my heart and mind are very confused. He acts like he's two different people. Calm around me, but frustrated with Sans.

'So which of the two personalities is him?'

I understand this is a tough world. It's cruel to those that don't fit in. Yet, thinking about our conversation from before, I keep asking myself the same question.

'Does Papyrus actually care about his brother or not?'

Papyrus screams furiously, "CURSE YOU BROTHER AND YOUR TERRIBLE PUNS!" I was thrown back to my senses, Sans laughing as Papyrus stormed off in the other direction. Severely confused as to what I missed, I turn to Sans for an explanation. He only smiles and gestures to his brother, "Your escort is leaving."

"I-I know. Well, um-... Be careful. See you tonight." He has a wide smile, leaning back his seat and placing his legs up on the shack's table, "Be nice to my bro, okay? He doesn't have many friends."

I arch an eyebrow while also tilting my head, "Okay? Why would I want to hurt him?" Then I realize something and shout in sudden laughter, "HEY! YOU'RE KEEPING ME HERE LONGER! CURSE YOUR DISTRACTIONS! BYE!" Fell laughs too, faking that he's offended, "HOW DARE YOU ASSUME SUCH A THING! BYE!"

Without a second thought, I run ahead to find Papyrus again. I sigh once I reach him, my legs aching from all the running, "How do you do this everyday?" Boss doesn't answer, continuing to walk down the trail.

'I guess he doesn't want to talk right now. Could be more cameras spying on us.'

"Does that hurt?" He asks in a low tone. I arch an eyebrow and kinda tease him, "My legs? They're sore but I'm not gonna die." "There's a crack in the back of your shoulder blade."

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