Chapter 17- Your Own Star

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(~Your POV + Time Skip 1 Week~)

I take a deep breath and continue staring at the door. Fell chuckles while switching through the tv channels, "Doll, he'll be walking in any minute. Come sit on the couch." I huff and refuse, "No. I'll stay right here."

He smiles, "I'm just saying the way you've waiting for him, sitting on the floor and watching the door all day long. It makes you look like a pet." I blush and glare at him, "Sans..."

My senses are thrown into alert when I hear the door unlock. Papyrus steps inside, holding his keys and groceries in one hand. My soul sparks with excitement and I hurry to hug him.

He laughs and pets my skull with his other hand, "Hello Starlight." Fell leans over the side of the couch and asks, "How was work?" Papyrus rolls his eyes in annoyance, "I had to stay out later because Grillby's had a lot more bar fighting than usual. If that wasn't bad enough, I had to rush through my patrol routes just to get to the store and do my errands on time."

Edge looks down to me, asking calmly, "Can you take the groceries to the kitchen for me?" I nod and take the bags from him, rushing to the kitchen. As I'm unloading groceries, I can hear the two brothers discussing things with each other. Though, I'm not actually paying attention to it.

I take out and place every grocery item and ingredient in it's assigned place. Nice and neat, exactly how Papyrus likes it. I love when he spends time with me, even if I have to listen to him rambling about different assortments of pasta and how to cook them. Or how to clean and set up the kitchen properly. OR his obsession with keeping Sans' room clean.

I giggle at the recent memory, yesterday afternoon actually. Boss threw Fell off his mattress to clean the sheets, all while teaching me how to do it like a live tutorial. It scared the life out of Sans, his nap being abruptly interrupted by that. Well, it ended up being okay since Papyrus apologized and Fell was asleep again seconds later.

Being taught as a slave, I already know all these things like how to cook and clean. However, seeing Boss doing or explaining the things he enjoys is enough for me to have fun too. I don't have any hobbies for myself except, well, killing. That means that in any normal conversation, I usually don't have anything to talk about in return. He's okay with that, which is why he takes it upon himself to teach me about things.

Fell has taught me some things too. I do enjoy naps and watching tv. Although, Boss will start pouting when I do it too much.

This past week has brought me a lot of relief. Sans told me what he did and how things ended on that call with my owner. At first, I was so close to strangling Fell for involving himself like that. I think I blacked out so I don't remember any of that happening, but he put himself in danger. Papyrus too. All for me.... But, no one has come. Am I really free? Is it over?

As much as my mind wants to doubt it, I needed a break. It's been good, not having to be scared all the time. Maybe Master did give up. Decided it wasn't in his best interests to reveal himself and target us?

Doing so would have to get the king involved, since Pap is captain of the royal guard. Doing that would reveal his business to the whole underground and have the entire guard forces set up against him. He may go through great lengths to get something, but even I know that's exactly the last thing my Master would want.

Reaching into the grocery bag, I pull out the last item. A bouquet of flowers, matching the color of my eyes. Tied around it is a matching bow and a necklace. A simple chain with a small blue crystal hanging from it. It has a vibrant glow, being carved into a diamond. I gasp and nearly drop the whole thing from shock.

'It's beautiful!'

Papyrus laughs from the living room, "I assume you found your gift..!"

'This.. This is mine?!'

I rush back to the living room, tears filling my eyes. Fell is smiling wide, joking, "Whatcha got there, Doll? Flowers for me? Ya shouldn't have." I can't help but laugh and hide the intense blush growing on my face.

Papyrus steps over, "Well Starlight... In Waterfall, there are countless crystals like this one. They're the closest things we have to real stars down here, so we wish on them. Until I can fulfill your wish and bring you to see real stars on the surface, you should keep this one of your own. Though, it's light isn't as precious as yours." He traces his fingers across my blushing cheeks, making me smile.

Sans sniffles, still in a joking tone, "Wow, ya can't get much more romantic than that. That is so touching, bro. I'm going to go cry now." I bite my lip and try not to laugh as Papyrus blushes too. I guess he got caught up in the moment and forgot Sans still existed. Fell keeps going, watching us, "It's okay, Y/N. You can kiss him, I won't mind."

Papyrus gets so flustered and whips around, "WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" Sans can't stop laughing at this point, completely out of breath as he rolls off the couch.

I decide to go along with the joke, getting closer to Papyrus, "I don't know. Your brother has a pretty good point." I jump onto him, latching my arms around his neck and my legs around his back, "How else could I ever repay you?~"

Papyrus' pupils shrink and his skull turns bright red. I'm pretty sure I mentally broke him. Wasting no time, I press my forehead against his and then share some passionate kisses with him.

He wraps his arms around my hips, keeping me supported so I won't have to. This gives me more freedom to readjust, giving him soft kisses on his cheek and neck while letting him just hold me.

Boss takes a breath and gives me a loving nuzzle. I find that he loves doing that. I giggle and whisper, "Thank you. I love it." He smugly smirks, "And?" I blush and laugh more, answering, "I love you too."

Sans has his phone aimed towards us, definitely recording, "Y/N's reaction to her first  official gift. Pap's definitely enjoying his reward, heh. Hey uh- I'm showing this to your kids when they ask how it happened." I shriek in embarrassment and hide my face in Papyrus' scarf. Papyrus turns and screams, "SANS! TURN THAT OFF OR I'LL BREAK IT FOR YOU!!!"

"Aw come on, Boss. Now I'll have to edit that part out. Think of the kids." Sans chuckles and teleports, making his escape.

Writer~San: Shorter chapter than usual but it's so CuTe!!!! ;w; I can't- *dies*

Y/N: *still dying of embarrassment* Writer whyyy? T^T

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