Chapter 23- WaterFall's Captain

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(~Your POV + Long Time Skip~)

I groan, my bones feeling sore all over as I come to. The room around us is pretty spacious, holding a kitchen, dining table, and even a piano. I'm laid across a couch, looking at a nearby window. Undyne's sitting in a chair beside me, focused on checking bandages wrapped around my arms, "Hey punk. You finally awake?"

"Y-yeah... How long was I..?" "A day and a half. I figured ya were weakened by everything but geez-.. Any longer and I'd say you'd be related to that numbskull sentry in Snowdin."

I look down, having been changed again. I'm in some soft black pajama pants and a black T-shirt similar to the one Undyne has on. My face glows (s/c) as I sit up, "YoU drEssED mE?!" She sighs and rolls her eye, "Yeah, you were soaking wet and injured, remember? Look, normally I wouldn't do things like buy an entire couch and change somebody's clothes, but I did because you needed help. The main reason I had to change you was because of a few fractures on your ribs."

She stands and goes over to her table, grabbing my folded dress and showing it to me. It's torn and even has patches of blood in certain spots, "You really want to wear something like this?" I sigh and look away, "I never wanted to in the first place."

Undyne sighs, "I know. Now, you shouldn't be moving around so much. I'm still waiting for your fever to come down a little more."

'It's been almost two days.'

I gasp, my pupils shrinking, "OH MY GOD!" I panic, trying to stand. I hiss when I'm overwhelmed with pain and fall back onto the couch again. Undyne growls and rushes to me, "WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!"

Tears fill my eyes, but not because of my pain, "I was supposed to get them out! I LEFT THEM THERE!" She grabs my shoulders, "Y/N, calm yourself and lay down! We'll find Sans and Papyrus but you have to heal first!!!"

I freeze, staring at her with wide eyes.

'I never... I never told her anything besides my name.'

My first thought is that she's one of them. I panic and scream, struggling with her, "LET GO!!!" Undyne's glare and grip grow tighter as she forces me down, "Y/N! Y/N, listen to me. I'm not here to hurt you!"

"HoW DO YoU kNoW ABouT THEM?! DiD MEttAton StAgE THIs?!" I scream, outraged. Suddenly, Undyne pulls something out of her pocket and shows it to me, "This belongs to you, doesn't it?"

It's the necklace... It's my necklace. More tears spill out of my eyes as I fight the urge to start sobbing. It's not lost forever.

Undyne explains, slightly annoyed, "I was watching everything because I managed to stumble upon the event when it happened. That day when the three of you were taken. I hid in the tall grass. Mettaton took this and threw it in the river. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm a perfect swimmer, it would've been lost in the dump forever. Now... That's why you didn't know who I was, you're one of that tin can's trafficking victims. That's why those guys were chasing after you." She huffs, "And that's why you were wearing that awful dress."

I can't help but giggle through my tears, "I hate that dress so freaking much." Undyne places the necklace into my hand, "Papyrus cares about you a lot. It's good to know that someone's managed to soften his heart again."

Now having more time to think, it suddenly clicks in my head. Both Mettaton and Papyrus talked about Undyne.

'Why didn't I remember that before?!'

"You're the previous captain of the royal guard." I say, shocked. Undyne smiles and lets go of me, "Now you remembered. Yeah, I was. I live here, in Waterfall."

She laughs and goes over to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of tea. Undyne blows on it to cool it down before taking a sip, "At first, I really didn't believe in that bonehead's potential. He was so freaking reckless and naive when he was younger. Impulsive as was his temper, but.. His motives and persistence were unlike anything I've seen. So, I chose to train Papyrus."

She laughs with a wide smile, "That bag of bones caught on so quick and so well. Within a few years, it got to the point that all of our sparring ended in a tie. He was my second in command, even as a friend."

She pauses, her smile fading a bit, "I may have trained him to be a guard-.... but he was never prepared for being the leader of it.. I saw how it exhausted him, changed him. I tried to explain to Papyrus that he needed to reason with the King in my behalf. That he couldn't do it alone. However, the damage to my reputation had already been made, he wouldn't believe me. We both became enraged with each other. That was the first time we had a real fight. We were so angry at each other, I still don't know whether I wanted to actually kill him or just hurt him."

I actually saw her tear up as she continued, "But then, for the first time, he overpowered me. I got real injured, it was bad. I expected him to finish the job. Instead, what I saw was that at least one part of him was still the same. He couldn't do it. I saw in his expression that it pained him, as he realized it had come to that point. There was a long silence, and he left."

She harshly wipes the tears from her eye, "And that was it. I never saw the ungrateful punk again." There was a pause before she asked, hiding her face by looking away from me, "Has he.... is he okay?" I smile at her shyness, "You're right. He does overwork himself. Still, he's determined to give others hope. Hope for something better. He's definitely changed a lot since we um.. since we met." My cheeks glow as I look away, embarrassed.

Undyne takes another sip of her drink and glances back in my direction, smiling and arching an eyebrow, "Can't ya just say that you and the punk are together?" I shriek, my face glowing two times brighter. Undyne dies laughing at my reaction. I turn away completely, facing the back wall of the couch, "So WhAt?! That's not important!"

"Aw, come on Y/N. You can tell your best friend~" She teases in a sweet tone. I laugh, "I just met you!" "So?! It's fate!!!" She cheers. This only caused me to smile more, "I don't know how Papyrus would feel about me befriending his previous employer." "Ngah!!! That punk can mind his business! He should be grateful because it's gonna be us two besties that save his weak bony butt!" Loud laughter erupts from the both of us. I can already picture his shocked reaction.

'This is going to be fun.'

I turn back to her, "Alright Bestie, let's do it. I'll try to get better fast. Then we need to go to Snowdin." Undyne tilts her head, puzzled.

I carefully put my necklace on, already feeling a huge wave of relief to have it again. I take a deep breath.

'Hang on for a little longer, guys. We're coming.'

After a few seconds, I explain to Undyne, "Sans has a plan. That's how I got out. We'll go back for them, but we get his jacket first."

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now