Chapter 11- Sick Day

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(~Your POV~)

"Boss.. The movie's over. Papyrus?" I gently shake him. I really hate to wake him but it would be better for him to sleep in his own bed.

Papyrus softly groans and grabs at his head, "Hang on a second. Could you stop that shaking? It's making me dizzy..." "Oh, I'm sorry. It's been a couple hours, you might need to take some medication again. Here, let me help." I wrap one of his arms around my shoulders and carefully sit him up.

Boss' movements are more sluggish, he's tired. I grunt, standing and pulling him up, "How are you feeling?" "I already told you. Dizzy." He replies, grabbing at his head.

I sigh, "Alright, just lean on me. We need to get you upstairs." He slowly looks around, "Where's Sans?" "Upstairs, went to bed earlier when the movie ended. I told him I'd wait for you to wake up but.. Y'know, here we are."

Edge leans against me, stumbling. I muster up my strength to keep him up. He apologizes, "Sorry." "Don't worry about it. I know you're tired but you can rest as much as you want once you get upstairs."

We took it slow to get up the stairs. Whenever I felt him get uneasy, I'd tighten my grip. Fortunately, we got up safely, just took a little while. I open Papyrus' bedroom door and step in. Getting him into bed was definitely the easiest part.

Once he lays down and gets comfortable, I tell him, "I'm going back to get your medicine. Wait here." "Y/N, wait." Edge grabs onto my arm, holding me back. "Boss, you need to take some again or it'll take longer for you to get better." "I'll take them in the morning. It's late. Relax, you've been tense the entire night."

Having no other choice, I sigh and sit on the side of the bed. Papyrus gestures that I lay next to him, patting the spot next to him. I stare at him in silence. He explains, "Come on Y/N, you know you need it. I know how you get when you're stressed."

'As embarrassing as it is to admit, he's right.'

I take a deep breath and take his offer, laying down. Boss wraps his arm over me and around my back. I fight the urge to blush. He gently pulls me close, only inches away from each other.

My heartbeat speeds up and I get butterflies in my stomach. It's a very weird feeling since I don't even have a stomach! Papyrus smirks at me, "There you are." I can't help but giggle, "Shut up, you're probably delirious." "I am not." He scoffs. I smile, "It's the middle of the night. You're sick and tired. You probably are."

"You're sick too." He remarks.


"Papyrus, what are you talking about?" I arch an eyebrow, puzzled. Boss teases me in response, "You're lovesick." Not even another second went by before my entire face turns (s/c) like a nightlight again. I scoff and look away, "Dang it, Papyrus. You don't even know what you're saying." "I'm right. If I wasn't, you wouldn't let me do this." His other hand traces up from my chin and cups around my cheek. I whimper, my soul skipping a beat.

I don't pull away. I actually lean closer to him, craving more. My mind is ultimately scattered, feeling one way and then another.

'What is happening to me?!'

The two of us draw closer together. My soul throbs in anticipation while my mind is overwhelmed with so many feelings. Papyrus takes the lead, kissing me. I close my eyes and become trapped in the moment, basically giving him the dominance. My chest presses against his as I wrap my arms around his neck.

It's only in these moments that I found out how much I really want him. How gentle he actually is. I feel safe and protected. Nothing can ruin this.

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now