Chapter 14- Trust Me

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(~Your POV~)

I waited patiently until there was a knock on Papyrus' door. Opening it, Papyrus steps inside with his brother anxiously following behind him. "No one, but Sans is right. This bag was here." Papyrus drops a black bag on the floor.

I have to act confused in front of Papyrus, "Any idea why it's here? What's in it?" He sighs, "Absolutely nothing. No trace of any people coming into the house besides an empty bag."

I turn to Sans, he's looking at me with a serious gaze. He's probably caught on that this has something to do with me. That I already know what it is.

I sigh and turn back to Papyrus, "You need to take some more medication, I'll go get it for you. Okay?"

Boss is paranoid and hesitant, not even looking me in the eyes, "I shouldn't be resting. If these people had come to hurt someone.. I.. I let my guard down." I stand in front of him and grab his arms, "Papyrus, look at me."

He does after a little while, I can sense his anxiety and even guilt. I continue, "Yes, it is pretty scary that someone got in here. We don't know why, but look! I am okay. You are okay. Even Sans is okay! Maybe they came in to steal food or something, but it doesn't matter because they left. Do not blame yourself or ask 'what if'. It'll only make you feel worse. You're still sick. All you have to do is rest. Let me and Sans handle everything for now until you get better, okay?"

'It's not his fault. It's mine.'

Fell stays quiet, grabbing the bag and walking out of the room. Papyrus didn't seem to mind. He sighs and nuzzles his skull against mine, "Okay..." I smirk and give him a quick kiss, "Good. Now, stay here while I grab your medicine. You already said you would take them this morning. It's lunch right now."

Edge scoffs, "That stuff is disgusting." I let out a short laugh, "You have to take it! Wait here." I hurry out, closing the door and heading downstairs.

Once I get into the kitchen, I see Fell. He's leaning against one of the counters with the bag by his feet, "So.. What's this for?" Taking a deep breath, I approach him, "My master must've sent it for me. These belong to the escorts." "Why send a bag with nothing in it? Nothing in the main compartment. Even all the pockets are empty." Sans says, glaring at the bag.

I open a drawer and get myself a knife, "Our work is secret. That's the point, for confusion." Fell steps back, his pupils glowing brighter, "Doll- what are you doing?" I crouch down next to the bag, "Relax. I'm on your side now. I'll only need this for a second."

I trace my fingers along the inside of the bag. The sides are normal. The bag looks new. Yet, I found out something quickly whilst doing my search. Along the bottom, the seams are different in a certain spot.

'It's a different thread, which means it's been altered and sewn again right here-'

I drive the knife into the area, ripping it open and revealing a hidden pocket. Sans blinks, surprised, then steps closer. I hold the knife up to him, pointing towards me so he can grab the handle. I calmly ask, "Can you take this please?"

He grabs it and sets it on the counter. Only then did his tension subside. He sighs, "Thanks." "It's okay. I can imagine a lot of people have attacked you with one of those over the years." "Heh, nah.. Just one.." He mumbles, super low so that I almost didn't hear him.

I decide to leave him alone instead of prying further. Reaching into the pocket, there's only one item. A tiny flip phone.

Shivers go down my spine as I inspect it. "Master wants me to contact him." I state clearly, opening the phone. Fell reacts, grabbing the phone away from me, "Woah woah woah! What makes you think any good is going to come from this? Just don't call him." "Sans, there is a time schedule to these things. If I don't call him within the hour that this is sent, he will no doubt get suspicious and things will get MUCH WORSE. Give me the phone and hopefully I can buy us some more time."

He stares at me, really reluctant to comply. I don't blame him for having doubts. I hold my hand out, "Sans.... Please.. Trust me."

He takes a deep breath, keeping solid eye contact with me. Then, he gives the phone back to me, "Put it on speaker. I want to hear." I nod, "They have machines that listen for mistakes in my behavior or sounds in the background. Which means, you've got to stay very quiet and let me do my job.. Even if it's hard to watch, got it?"

He nods and steps back a bit.

(~Fell's POV~)

Y/N closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing herself. Considering that she's just only started making decisions for herself, I can imagine it's going to be hard for Y/N to act slave-like again. Even if it's on the phone for a few minutes.

Her hands start to shake and she finally opens her eyes. It startled me when I saw the color completely gone from her pupils, dull and almost lifeless. My soul feels remorse for her. She was raised to be this way, her entire life.

'She was basically programmed to be a mindless slave. All this guy sees her as is a toy to get himself more money.'

I clench my hands to fists. My fangs grind tightly together. My magic and anger stirs up in my soul.

"Sans." Y/N calls to me, sounding monotonous. I flinch and turn back to her. She's staring at me, "What did I just say?" I nod and fight the urge to yell. I can feel myself tearing up so I pull my hood over my skull, "It's alright, kid. Go on."

Y/N waits patiently for a moment, then scrolls to the phone's contacts. There's only one. The house seemed to be much more cold and eerie, as her fingers pressed the button to dial.

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now