Chapter 6- An Attachment

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Writer~San: Sup? Book's getting continued after all. Lol, thanks to those that supported the idea. I hope y'all will enjoy it. I know the picture might be a bit blurry. Still, that doesn't take away from how good they look ;w; It's exactly what I would expect for the human design. Good job to the artist! *claps of approval*
(~Your POV~)

There was a long silence as he finished his food. I don't feel like I have to say anything else. I embarrassed myself enough.

'What else did you think would happen?'

I'm a fool and now I can clearly see it. I got attached.

'Dang it.'

My master is going to be furious. I broke my loyalty to him. It's only a matter of time before-

"Come on." Edge commands, standing up from the couch. I glance towards him, staying quiet.


He grabs my empty plate without making eye contact with me. Then, he went into the kitchen. I hear him washing the dishes. Quickly, I stand up, "Boss! Don't worry about that! I can do it." "You aren't a slave! I am perfectly capable of doing my own chores." He shouts back.

I wait patiently until Edge gets back. It was only a few minutes. He walks out, holding both on his gloves in one hand by his side, "Let's go. You can sleep upstairs with me for tonight."

My face heats up at the thought. I'm two seconds away from slapping myself. "Normally, being a creep isn't my brother's usual behavior. He's always treated the female shopkeepers and neighbors with respect, as far as I'm aware. You already know how he is... However, as drunk as my brother is, I only want to make sure he doesn't try anything while you're sleeping downstairs." Boss explains in a low tone. I take a moment to breathe and comprehend his offer.

'He's right. It's only to be sure Fell doesn't do something he'll regret later. Or is it?'

I nod and reply as politely as possible, "I understand." "Good. You can take my bed for the night. I'll set something up for myself on the floor." Papyrus walks past me and goes upstairs. I follow him, feeling the adrenaline rushing through my soul. "Sir, are you sure? I wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor myself. It's your room."

"Y/N, you will sleep where I tell you to." Boss gives me a side glare and I cower, giving up.

(~Small Time Skip~)

Boss never spoke another word. I'm sitting on his bed, watching him spread layers of blankets on the floor for himself. I played back my conversation from earlier in my head, counting the number of mistakes I made. No doubt, he's probably mad at me.

Mumbling, I tell him, "I broke the rules. I need to be punished." Edge stops and sits down, facing me, "I told you, you're not-" "When we were talking, I wasn't supposed to call you Papyrus. I broke the rule and now you're mad at me." I tear up, trembling.

Boss stared at me for a little while, with this sudden surprised expression. He looks at the floor. Next, he sighed and leaned back, resting his hand over one knee, "I'm not mad at you. I.. The truth is, I never even realized you said that until you told me."

'Welp. Y/N, you're certainly dead now.'

"Oh my god." I whine, covering my face with my hands."

"I'm so sorry. I'm aN iDioT."

I claw at my head, ignoring the pain and crying, "All I do is mess everything up!" I feel arms grab onto mine. That's when I scream, thrashing back. Now, I can see that it's Edge. He immediately panics, trying to hold me still and calm me down, "Hey... Shh.. Y/N, I'm not going to hurt you..! It's just a name for goodness sake."

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