Chapter 20- Finding Fell Part 1

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Writer~San: 1K views! This story's first stepping stone achievement!!! Thank you all so much!!! ;w; Have this picture. Good job to whoever the artist is!
(~Your POV~)

Papyrus comes out of Fell's bedroom. He slams the door closed, having searched the entire house for him by this point. I can sense his pain, anger, and anxiety building up as he rushes back downstairs.

Trying to keep calm for both him and myself, I grab both of his arms and stop him in front of me, "Pap, hey. Papyrus, talk to me." He harshly tugs away from me, letting all these negative emotions burden him, "You can't understand! IT'S MY FAULT!"

I cower back from his sudden change of mood. However, I certainly don't blame him for his actions. He's feeling overwhelmed, exactly like I've been several times already. I mean, I did throw a box at him before.

"Let's go check Grillby's first. Maybe he just went to get dinner there instead." I try to give this situation the benefit of the doubt, but I hardly believe it. Papyrus doesn't either, rubbing his temples, "I know my brother. That numbskull doesn't go so much as two steps out of his room without his jacket! It has the same sentimental attachment to him as this scarf is to me."

Boss starts messing with his scarf, nervously pulling and tugging on it.

'He won't be able to think straight.'

I call him, "Papyrus." He doesn't notice it so I repeat myself but louder, "Papyrus..!" Finally, I get his attention, "What is it?" I softly smirk at him, "We're in this together, remember?"

His pupils shrink and his cheeks glow red. It only takes him a second to look away from me, embarrassed. I gently intertwine my fingers with his, saying, "We'll find him."

I pull away from him and inspect the living room for any clues. It's the last room we haven't really checked, mostly because of the initial panic. I sigh, "There's no signs of a struggle. We never heard anyone come in. Yet, like you said, Fell wouldn't just-" Something catches my attention, tucked and hidden under the couch.

In a hurry, I bend down and grab it. It's a small object. Pulling it out and seeing what it actually is, I take a sharp breath in. My anxiety spikes.

It's a flip phone, the exact same model we used for that call.

'Fell said he destroyed the phone! Why is this here then?! How long has he had this?!'

"Y/N, what did you find?" Papyrus bends down next to me. My breathing goes shaky as I open up the phone. It received a text not too long ago.

[Waterfall. Come alone.]

That's the only message. I cry out a frustrated scream and throw the phone at the wall, startling Papyrus, "S-Starlight!" "GOD DANG IT! THeY GoT SaNs!" "Wha- What are you saying, Y/N? What's going on?" "The monsters that Fell bought me from. They tried to steal me back and Fell defended me. ThEy'Re GoINg To KiLL HiM!!!" I say in tears, tightly hugging myself.

'Calm down....'

I close my eyes and try to stop shaking. The tears still fall down my cheeks but Boss wipes them away.

I open my eyes and say, "Sorry. We can catch up to them. I'm sure he can handle himself for a little while." I can't help but smirk as I tease, "He is the brother of the great and terrible Papyrus after all..."

Papyrus has a serious tone, "Where are they going?" "I don't know where the base is, but I know where they're going with him as a meeting checkpoint. Waterfall."

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