Chapter 8- Safe Spot

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(~Fell's POV + Time Skip~)

Y/N kept her mouth shut, no matter how much I pried. She keeps ignoring me and walking back home like nothing is going on.

'What the heck happened to her?'

She pulled her shirt up to hide the cut, the one I noticed earlier. Sure, it could've been some drunk looking for money she didn't have. Why would she have to hide it if it was something like that?

'What is she hiding?'

My suspicions grow, and now I'm finding it hard to believe she's really as innocent as she says. I sigh and grab her arm, stopping her, "Y/N-" "I already told you Sans! I don't want to talk about it!" She growls.

I tug harder, "I don't want you to! Let me check your HP. I want to make sure everything's alright." She looks hesitant, but complies, standing still.

I check her stats. No level of violence, so she hasn't actually killed a person. I guess that's a good thing. Her health is down a little, not enough to kill her. Y/N's soul looks fine too.

That's when my eyes caught onto her actual stats.

[   *Y/N  0 ATK 0 DEF
*Doesn't want to talk
     *She can't fight back    ]

I jump back, screaming, "WHAT THE HELL?!" "GEEZ- Calm down." Y/N fusses, I startled her. "Y/N! H-HOW?!" Exactly like before, Y/N goes silent and continues walking.

I rush after her, "Y/N ANSWER ME!" "Why does it matter so much to you Sans? You don't have to be the pathetic and useless one in this town anymore."

My breathing becomes unsteady. I watch her, wide-eyed, "How did you possibly get those stats?" "I can't use magic, Sans..." She quietly answers.

"What do you mean by that?! We're monsters for god's sake. We use magic all the time-" Suddenly, Y/N abruptly stops and shouts at me, "I JUST CAN'T! YOU THINK I HAVEN'T TRIED?! I WOULD HAVE ESCAPED A LONG TIME AGO IF I COULD! IF I COULD DO SO MUCH AS DEFEND MYSELF ONCE, WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION, NOW WOULD WE?!!!"

I'm speechless. Y/N death glares at me for a few more seconds before running over to the house. She goes inside with the groceries, leaving me alone to register what just freaking happened.

(~Your POV~)

Boss sarcastically remarks, "Well look who's using vinegar instead of honey. My brother finally decided to pick a fight and you handled it fair well, considering the entire underground probably heard you." On the verge of tears, I throw the boxed medication at him and shout, "ShUt uP..!"

'I just want to hide. I want to be safe. I want to go home.'

He caught it, getting aggravated at my sudden attitude. Then, Boss actually noticed my tears and his pupils shrink, "Hey, what-" "DON'T!" I snap back, rushing into the kitchen. I swing open the door to the large compartment under the sink. I hurriedly sit in the empty space and slam the door behind me.

This is the closest thing I have to my cell. This is my only safe spot. Usually, I'd only come here in the middle of the night when the guys are sleeping. It helps me feel calm. Well, it did for the first few days. Lately, my safe spot has stopped working. Day after day, I got more and more anxious. Seems that I finally reached the limit.

Overwhelmed, I hug my knees and let the countless tears flow freely. My heart is torn apart. I don't have much time before Master will notice my procrastination. He'll come here and then ALL of my torment and endurance over the years will be for absolutely nothing. I'll be killed, just like every single one of my previous cell mates. My master would be more than content, because he'll still have his money. I may be the "last of my kind" but he can and will replace me. One snap of his fingers and he'll get someone else to be his shining star. I know that.

'I'll never be free.'

The front door to the house opens. Almost instantly, I can hear Edge's muffled screams from the living room, "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO HER?! BEING THE WORTHLESS TRASH YOU ARE, I CAN'T EVEN TRUST YOU TO GO ON A WALK WITHOUT MY SUPERVISION-" Fell's voice was so low, I couldn't hear what he said in response. But immediately after he said it, the room went into dead silence.

I curl up tighter, hoping all my pain and anxiety could just go away. Like every other time, it doesn't. With the current situation, it only got worse. I back myself further against the back wall and begin sobbing, my body trembling.

'My only safe spot is worthless.'

Footsteps enter the kitchen, coming towards my spot. It's easy to recognize the sound as Boss' boots. My heart panics and I brace myself to get a serious beating. Who knows what Fell said to him? I came in and diSResPeCtED him. I threw a freaking box at him!

The cabinet door opens, and sure enough, Boss is there to greet me. Looking at nothing but the floor and his boots, I feel more warm tears flood out of my eye sockets. The only thing I can hear is my panicked breathing and my soul throbbing in my chest.

Papyrus bends down onto his knees, then stretches his arms out towards me. Feeling his touch brush against my arms, I hardcore flinch and let out a loud wince. I bite my tongue so I don't scream.

'You're being punished. You deserve it for what you did to him. Be a good servant and ACCEPT IT.'

I have no more room to get away from him, making me panic even more. Boss whispers, "Shh.. Shhh.. Y/N, everything's going to be okay. Let me help you."

He leans forward and carefully wraps his arms around my back. Then, he starts to slowly pull me out of the dark. I close my eyes and cry more, having second thoughts about obeying. I try to squirm from him. He continues pulling me towards him, saying, "It's alright. It's just me, Papyrus. I'm not here to hurt you."

Once I'm out from the back of the cabinet, closer to him, he gets a firmer grip and pulls me into his lap. I feel my face and body rub into his soft clothes. I feel his arms wrap around me completely, softly stroking my back. Finally, my fear vanished. I'm safe.

Papyrus gently rocks himself back and forth, holding me tighter, "Fell said you were attacked. I know you're scared. It's okay now. I'm sorry." I take a relieved breath and nuzzle my skull under his neck, wrapping my arms around him, "D-DOn't LeT mE go.. pLeAsE dOn'T.."

He chuckles softly, "We can stay here as long as you calm down." I nod and tighten my grip, agreeing to his terms. I feel him give a small kiss on my head. Completely flustered out of my mind, my face glows bright (s/c).

I love this attention from him, pretty much addicted to it by now. I shift closer and cuddle closer to him, partially hiding my embarrassed face. Papyrus laughs a bit and nuzzles his skull against mine, "Yeah... I guess I've grown a bit of a soft spot for you too.."

It's obvious now. I feel stupid for not realizing it before. Papyrus is my new safe spot.

Writer~San: HEEEEY- lol. I was cleaning my house since this morning and didn't have much time to write. I admit, It's still cute though! \(////)\

I'm going to ask y'all for a preference. What should Papyrus call ya? Like, for a sweet nickname/pet name? For example, Sans obviously calls you Doll. I'm open to any suggestions Hope you have a good day/night! See ya next chapter!!!

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