Chapter 13- Soulmates

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(~Your POV~)

I tried my best to get in bed without disturbing Papyrus too much, but his senses are incredible. Papyrus slowly wakes up, turning over to face me, "Hey, Starlight." I blush at the pet name, asking him, "What's that for?" "It was that or Nightlight instead. You blush brighter than any star I've seen." He teases, sounding exhausted.

My face turns (s/c), embarrassing me more as I'm basically proving Edge's point. I mumble, "We're underground, you've never even seen a real star." "No, but we will." He comforts me and gently cups his hand around my cheek.

I snuggle into his chest, letting him wrap his arms around me. He does, and lays his skull on top of mine, "How are you feeling?" "Me? I should be asking you that." I remark.

Papyrus pets my back, making me shudder at first. He calmly explains, "You've been shaking.." "It's nothing, I'm just feeling a little cold." Boss grabs his blanket and pulls it over the both of us. As much as I love his warmth and being close to him, I have other tasks. "Boss, you haven't taken any medicine yet. I can't stay." "You can stay for a little while. The great and terrible Papyrus demands it."

I giggle and readjust myself to be eye level with him, "10 minutes is all the Great and Terrible Papyrus is getting." He blushes and even lets out a short laugh, "10 minutes is plenty enough to make it worth your time."

Both of us blush brightly and I look away, "You really are a delirious romantic. You know that?" "Aw come on, Starlight. You're always so adorable, but you choose to get anxious about it instead."

My mind breaks at the word 'adorable' and my face is consumed with blush. I weakly slap his shoulder, fussing, "What did I just say?!" Edge smiles at me, making my soul's pace speed up.

As he gets closer, he whispers, "You know I'm right." Papyrus shares another kiss with me, but a little more passionate from the first. He's always so gentle, so that his fangs won't hurt me. My soul glows brightly and pulsing with waves of excitement. I have to practically fight myself not to moan or make any noise.

Papyrus's hands wrap around my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I shift over even more so that our bodies press against each other.

I could not only hear just my throbbing soul, but his too. Papyrus and I had slowly been developing a strong relationship with each other. Now, our souls are starting to react to it.

I can sense our souls making a connection, so that we can feel some feelings of the other. Our souls start to beat in unison. It's a very rare event and only happens for some monster couples, but it's definitely real. You were meant for each other from the moment you were born. If you find and fall in love with them, your souls make a very special connection to prove or seal it. It can't be forced, and it's definitely something you won't forget.

We're soulmates. All this time and we never even knew. We need each other.

(~Fell's POV~)

'Y/N and my brother are together, huh? Well, it was pretty obvious in the beginning anyway.'

I'm on my way to go pick up some food at Grillby's. He doesn't do deliveries. Boss would probably be mad, but I really want Y/N to try it. Both of us need to eat, and I don't trust any other restaurants in the area.

The roads are pretty empty today. So, it was pretty easy to notice two monsters heading in the opposite direction as me. I don't recognize them. The way they're each dressed in all black clothes with a large duffel bag, I can assume they're not up to any good.

'Neither is anyone in this place.'

I ignore them and went inside Grillby's to get my food. It's pretty packed as always. Most of the monsters in here were too busy drinking or starting bar fights to notice me.

Grillby sees me approaching and rolls his eyes, "So who's it for?" "What do ya mean?" I ask, arching an eyebrow. "You ordered two meals and I know your brother would rather die than set foot in this place. So who's the other meal for?"

I laugh, "Yeah, that's for a friend." "Yeah, right. And who would be dumb enough to be your friend?" I smile at Grillby and he gets my point, embarrassing himself, "Point taken. Fine then. If I'm really your friend, why don't you pay your freaking tab?" "We do stuff for each other, like including free tabs. That's just what friends do." I joke and grab the bag of food.

Grillby sighs and wipes off his bar counter, "I put an extra bottle of mustard in there. Heard you were running out last time we talked." "Awww, thanks friend." I tease. Grillby cringes, his fire flickering more sporadically, "Don't ever say somethin' like that again."

I chuckle and walk out, "Got it, I was trying too hard. See ya!"

Walking back home was just the same. I take a deep breath of cold fresh air. Taking a shortcut would be faster, but I do like to take the scenic routes every now and then. Besides, the walk is only a few minutes.

The time passed pretty quickly and I got to the house, safe and sound. Opening the door and walking in, I set the food on the table beside our pet rock. I shout, "Y/N! Food's here!!!!"

'Didn't I lock the door?'

I pause, the random question peaking my interests. I did lock the door before I left. Papyrus and I always lock the door. With this kind of world, you absolutely must lock the door. Now, I'm hating that it's so quiet. I shout again, "Y/N?!"

Taking a moment to look around, I see a black duffel bag sitting on the couch.



(~Your POV~)

Fell practically busts the door down, scaring both me and Papyrus. I scream and sit up, trying to hide my blushing face, "Sans!!!" He looks freaked out. Like, REALLY freaked out. Papyrus, also embarrassed and agitated, sits up too, "Brother, you better have a pretty good reason for me to spare your life."

Fell looks around, checking behind and under furniture, even the closet. Papyrus gets out of bed, although he's really not supposed to, "SANS, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!?" I hurriedly stand up and cling to his arm, "Papyrus, calm down." "While you two were busy making out, somebody broke into the house!" Fell growls, checking more spots.

"WhAt?!" I scream, my heart dropping. Papyrus snarls, "AND WHERE WERE YOU?!" "Outside. I passed two guys on the way out that were heading this way. I KNOW I LOCKED THAT DOOR bUt OnE of their bags is on the couch. Keep Y/N here, I'm going check the rest of the house." Fell's panicked as he walks out. With our souls still being connected, I can sense Papyrus is starting to worry about his brother. I sigh and nuzzle his arm, "Go..."

Boss looks at me, I can see the sincerity and concern in his gaze. He doesn't want to leave me alone.

After a minute, he gives in. "Stay here, Starlight. We'll be back in a second." Edge commands. I quietly nod and sit down on the bed, but the situation already has me overwhelmed.

'Someone got into the house. Was it just a coincidence or is Master already onto my mistake?'

Papyrus definitely noticed my fear and anxiety, as he always does. He sighs and gives me a kiss on the forehead, petting the back of my skull, "You'll be fine. I promise." He locks his bedroom door and steps out.

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now