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(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

Our group stays cautious as we make our way back. Since we left the cell, Papyrus has not let go of my hand. I keep finding myself giggling just because of that.

'He's still getting used to standing and yet he wants to protect me.'

Fell's been a little awkward for the past few minutes. He finally speaks, "So.. um.. Y/N?" I turn to him, "Hm?" "Ya found my jacket?"

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Yes Sans. I found the note too. I found Frisk. I nearly had a heart attack because of Frisk. I had to stop Undyne from strangling Frisk. And now, I'll have to stop Papyrus from killing Frisk. I think it was a very stupid idea for you to leave out that one itty-bitty-tiny detail about Frisk."

"If I didn't, you'd probably think I'm crazy." He smiles, sweat dripping down his skull. My eyes widen as I glare at him, "I don't think you're crazy. I KNOW YOU'RE CRAZY."

Undyne leads the group, but she turns around and smiles, "Buying a monster from the black market is one thing, but hiding and dating a hu-" I hurriedly rush forward a step and cover her mouth, "Probably shouldn't elaborate. Papyrus doesn't know."

Undyne growls and turns away, continuing to move forward, "Well, that's Sans' problem!"

Papyrus seems to be getting aggravated. He can clearly hear our discussion and see how we're talking about him too. "Is anyone going to explain anything or am I going to have to find out myself?" I sigh, bringing myself close to his side, "I'm not saying a word. Sans is the one that has to tell you. If he doesn't, you'll find out in a few minutes. I'm sorry if Undyne has no choice but to knock you unconscious. We can't have you killing anyone, especially Sans."

Fell panics about me suddenly throwing him under the bus like that, but he was going to have to say something eventually. I exchange a quick stern look to him, insinuating that this is his only chance.

His face glows completely red and he looks away, sighing, "Uh.. Boss?" Pap rolls his eyes, "You're going to tell me that something now?"

I subtly elbow Papyrus' side, silently giving him a hint to behave. Papyrus blushes and looks away from me, staying quiet.

'I'll have to apologize to Undyne later for putting her through such an awkward situation.'

We walk in the most awkward silence for a while. I seriously believe that it was better back in the cell.

Sans finally gets the courage to speak up again, "Y'know sometimes that I'd say I was going out and then I'd come back in the middle of the night...? O-Or you'd check my sentry station one day and I'd be gone?" Papyrus huffs and crosses his arms, not even bothering to look at his brother, "Yes."

"So.... SoMEtiMes, I'd go to Grillby's... but uHm.. o-o-other times, I wouldn't w-want it.. so.... I'd go to visit a person... that I.. I-I-I've been s-seeing.. romantically..."

I snort and place my hand over my face, scolding my body for trying to laugh.

'Oh mY gOd, I jUsT caN'T wiTh thEsE tWo! PFFHAHAHA-'

As I do that, Undyne fails miserably, practically bawling as she laughs at him. I smile and lightly slap her upside the head, "UNDYNE! A WORD PLEASE! ALONE.."

'We need to leave them alone. Poor Fell is dying already as it is!'

I grab Undyne by the arm and lead her away, "You two can find us around this corner when you're ready!" "OW oW OW Ow Y/N, tHaT aRm hurTs!!!!" Undyne whines as she hurries to keep up with me.

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now