Chapter 9- Here For You

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(~Edge's POV + Time Skip~)

I can't sleep. Not since my brother left hours ago. I can't stop thinking about what he said.

"She was attacked. Alphys has something to do with this." That's all he said, not another word. I've never seen him so furious. After that, he was gone.

'He doesn't even know if that's true.
Unless Y/N told him something...'

No doubt that idiot has gone somewhere to get himself in trouble.

'He might've already gotten himself killed.'

I shake my head, growling and shifting over. I try to suppress the thought, which only made my migraines escalate even more.

'He ran off by himself. Now, he can take care of himself.'

I flinch when my bedroom door opens. It's the middle of the night.


I sit up, my magic sparking into action. This isn't the first time assassins or robbers have broken in. Sharp bones materialize in the air above my shoulders, ready to shoot forward at my command.

Y/N walks in, then immediately halts to a stop. Fear floods through her eyes and she gasps.

'Ah Crap-'

With one snap of my fingers, the attacks immediately disappear. I quickly apologize, "I'm sorry. Forgot you live here too..." She looks at the ground, shaking, "I thought you would be asleep by now."

I sigh, rubbing the back of my neck, "What are you doing up? Did my brother get back yet?" "Yeah, I think he went to bed a few minutes ago..... I don't want to be alone. I was just um.. I was going to sleep on the floor, sir."

'Why? That isn't necessary.'

She slowly walks to the middle of the room and lays her blanket on the floor. I sit up, bringing my legs to the side of the bed, "Y/N, wait." She stays silent and curls up on the blanket.

(~Your POV~)

I assure him, "I'll be quiet as to not bother you." "That's not what I'm concerned about." He replies, getting out of bed. Suddenly, I feel his arms wrap around me. I let out a short shriek as Boss lifts me up bridal style. He has a soft tone as he explains, "If you sleep on the floor, you'll still be sleeping alone."

My blush lights up the dimmed room, embarrassing me further.

'Of course he's going to notice I've turned into a (s/c) nightlight.'

Papyrus carries me over to his bed and puts me down, "There, take whichever side you want." "B-B-Boss, I w-wouldn't want to take your s-space..!" He pats my skull and teases, "Shush." This only made me blush more, my soul racing and my magic stirring.

I slide myself to one side, allowing Edge to get in bed too. I'm trembling so much, it's hard for my mind to even function at this point. He spreads the blanket over me and then turns over, "I'll be right here. Just tap me if you need something." "Okay Boss. Thank you."

Things got quiet. My bones feel so stiff. I feel the intense pressure, like I'll die if I move even an inch. "(S/C) eyes. You can breathe, y'know?" Boss glances over his shoulder to look at me.


I take a much-needed breath, trying to relax. Edge explains, "Look... You don't need to worry. We're here for each other now, you're safe from them. I'm staying on my side. I'm not planning to punish or hurt you. If you're still this tense after a few minutes, I'll allow you to go back to the floor."

That wasn't needed, I already felt tiredness overpowering my anxious mind. His bed is actually really comfortable. As my body relaxes and I shift into a more comfortable position, Boss speaks up, "Goodnight, Y/N." I yawn, "Goodnight."

'It's all okay.'

(~Time Skip Next Day~)

"Sans! No cheating!" I squeal as Fell tries to steal my gaming controller. He manages to keep his steady with blue magic, suspended in the air so I can't do the same trick to him. Sans laughs, "Sorry Doll! I'm not going to lose again!"

I laugh and scream some more through my own giggles. It's pretty difficult trying to squirm away from him while I'm also trying to keep my digital car on the road.

Finally, I reach the finish line and gaze upon the big bold letters spelling "VICTORY!" "YES! TAKE THAT, YOU CHEATER!" I shout, pushing him back with my elbow. He chuckles mixed with a playful growl, "Dang. You swear you've never played before? Best out of 5?" I smile, "No, I haven't. Maybe you should probably spare yourself of the embarrassment of losing 3 times in a row."

Fell stretches across the couch, groaning, "You're no fun.. ComE On!" I shake my head while grinning, "Sans, I'm doing you a favor." "Heh, we'll see about that. This discussion isn't over."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say Bonehead." I stand up and head into the kitchen. Boss is hesitantly staring at the medication I got for him. He hasn't even opened it.

"Not a fan of pills either?" I ask, approaching him. Edge rubs the back of his neck and puts the box down, "Can't say that I am when I lived most of my childhood as my father's lab rat." I hug onto his arm, "That's understandable, but these are going to help you."

"The great and terrible Papyrus does not need assistance. I'm perfectly capable of-" "You're showing symptoms of a fever. If you want it to go away instead of hiding it, you'll have to take these." I interrupt him.

He stares at me for a while, then back at the medication. Boss is still not convinced. I sigh and grab the box, opening it for him, "It'll be fine. I promise. You've been running around in the freezing cold all week. A blanket, some quiet time, and taking two of these will help you relax. Take a sick day."

Right after double checking the label, I give two small pills to him. I nod, "Go on, it's okay." Papyrus takes a deep breath and cups them into his mouth.

A moment later, he squints his eyes and sticks his tongue out, "That tastes unpleasant." I giggle at his expression, "It never tastes good, even with the useless artificial flavors. You did it..! Good job."

Edge's face turns a tint redder. He pulls his scarf over his face, "Thanks." I can't help but laugh a bit more, "Aww, no problem. We have to be here for each other now, am I right?"

Fell shouts from the kitchen, "Y/N! I'm putting on a movie! Got any suggestions?!" I turn and loudly reply, "Anything's fine! I haven't watched much!" "Gotcha!"

I turn back to Papyrus, who's revealed most of his face again, still blushing a bit. I smirk, "Wanna join us? I'm sure the couch has enough room." It made my soul stir with joy when Boss quietly nodded. I grab his hand and slightly tug for him to follow, "Come on! You can sit in between us!"

My Two Masters (UF!Papyrus x Skeleton!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now