Chapter 12- Answers

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Writer~San: I know this is supposed to be a serious chapter but I just can't with this art. XDDDD It's so adorable and cute!!! Plus my family and I are going on vacation with some friends in a few months, after 10 years. Wanna guess where we're going? Hints are basically in this picture. Lol *huff* Alright- back to the book ;w;
(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

I sigh and step out of the bathroom after taking a long shower, "Thanks." Sans is leaning on the wall beside the door with a blank stare, "Don't mention it. Now... ANSWERS."

I rub my towel against my skull, preventing any water to drip down onto my fresh pair of clothes. "Patience, Sans, we still have some time before they'll get suspicious and search for them. Let's sit down first."

As I'm heading downstairs, Fell snarls, "Why are you so calm about this?! You LIED to ME! You LIED to BOSS too! You-" I sit down, "I had to. It is-.... Was my job."

He takes a shortcut from upstairs to the couch, and then sits down. His glare is enough to shatter glass as he says, "Seeing as you were here to trick us, what should stop me from protecting Papyrus and killing you right now?" "He would kill you." "Heh, so you know him better than me now? I'm his brother so don't get cocky with me." Sans growls sarcastic threats.

I rub the side of my skull, "Sans, I'm not asking for you to spare or like me. I need you to listen." "I need you to stop being so dang hollow. You know as well as I do that you just murdered two of your associates in cold blood."

"They were only extras, performers that only play a small role in the big picture. My master could care less. He has plenty enough of them to spare. They're just as useless to him as the escorts."

Sans stays quiet for a minute, thinking about something, "Why are your stats the same?" "You and Papyrus were raised in a lab. Therefore, you are perfectly aware of what countless years of torturous experiments and chemicals can do, what they're capable of doing to the soul." There was a long silence. Fell keeps his hands clamped together as he stares at the floor. Sans' pupils disappear and I swear I saw him start shaking.

Anxiety and worry sparks in my soul as I call him, "Sans?" He speaks up, "What do you do? What's your job?"

I sigh and answer, "I'm one of the stars or 'the flock' as my master calls it. We're all different, but raised the same. Get sold, collect and exchange information, follow Master's last instruction, then return home. I've had close to 50 owners before I met you, some lasted a year, others for only as little as a day."

Fell keeps fairly calm. Well, more like reserved. Who knows what could be going on in his head? I wait patiently for him to ask the next question. It really is a lot to take in, considering he might've been captured or dead an hour ago.

He takes another breath, then glares at me. I can tell Sans is mad, but he doesn't want to fight me either. He doesn't want to be in this situation but neither do I.

He asks the next question with a firm tone, "What's the last instruction?" "Depends on our owner. Sometimes we kill them just for money. Or we have to make them disappear for business matters, like if they had the audacity to blackmail my master. It's always for a specific reason."

Finally, the initial shock wears off and all of my emotions hit hard like a brick. I tear up and grab at my chest, "He wanted me to kill both of you so that I wouldn't betray him. It was a test of loyalty because you two are the last of my kind besides myself. He especially wants Papyrus dead for being leader to the Royal guard." My cries turn into sobs as I claw at my head, "I CaN'T dO IT. I dON't wAnT To gO bAcK, SaNs!"

I scream loudly, my voice going high-pitched, "I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!"

Instantly, I see Fell's face turn from anger to severe worry. He hurriedly leans over and hugs me, "Kid, don't hurt yourself... Deep breaths..." I cover my face with my hands and try to compose my breathing before things get out of hand. My body has already started to shake violently.

Sans mumbles, "If you want me to help you, you need to be completely honest with me." "Yes. Okay. I will." I answer between breaths.

"How do I know this isn't part of your plan too? Another trick." I take a shaky breath in, "I know it's going to be very hard now but I need you to trust me. Even if you don't, it won't be much longer until I'm killed anyway."

"What made you change your mind?" Fell asks, focused. I bite my lip and whine, "Do you really want to know?" He arches an eyebrow, "I wouldn't ask if I didn't. I won't care about anything else and I won't tell Boss about any of this. Just tell me, what made you change your mind? You had 2 weeks to tell us. Why now?"

I lay my head back, looking at the plain ceiling, "Your brother kissed me." When I look back to Sans, he's shocked speechless. I smirk as my cheeks glow a light (s/c) color, "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it either."

He looks to the side and hisses, "Crap, so that's why you're his new favorite." Assuming that he might've had feelings for me, I laugh and tease him, "Sorry Sans, seems that you might have wait a little longer for a special friend." Fell smiles and laughs loudly, taking me off guard, "Nah. I've already been taken, Doll."

'Wait wHaT?!'

I back up and squeal, "WHaT?!....... WHAT?! SANS!!!" This only made him laugh and wheeze more until he ran out of breath. He says, "We weren't sure Boss would approve since I'm basically his pet." Sans pulls on the collar he's wearing, the one Edge put on him. He continues, blushing bright red, "So, it's been... well, a secret.."

I fangirl scream and playfully punch his shoulder, "YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME!!!" He chuckles and smiles at me, "Shh, don't want to wake Boss up." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands, "Sorry..."

He sighs a breath of relief, "Don't worry about it. Heh, and about the other thing. If we get out of this alive, maybe one day I can take ya to go meet him."


I smile, "Happy for you. I'll keep your secret. In exchange, you'll keep mine." Sans smiles wider and winks, "Gotcha."

I sigh and stand up, "I'm going check on Papyrus." "I'll order some food, having takeout for dinner I guess. I'd love to do it myself but then I might kill us both."

I laugh and head upstairs, "Sounds good. Call me when it's here.... I um.. I need to make a plan. Thank you for trusting me." "Heh.. No problem kid. Trust me, we all have skeletons in the closet." I giggle and open Papyrus' door, "Well then, why am I with your brother if you have other options?"

The last thing I hear before closing the door behind me is Sans dying of laughter again.

Writer~San: Hello again! owo I know everyone is probably more curious about Sans' secret now. I'm leaving ideas and theories up to y'all! (^^) Feel free to leave a suggestion or comment.

Who is Sans' secret love affair?

Based on where the book goes, I'll choose a suggestion and make it happen! Then we can please some Sans shippers too lol. I don't want him to be lonelyyyyyy.... XD Welp! That's it! Hope you're doing well and loving this book so far! Cya next chapter.

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