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Hey y'all! I'm back again. I haven't written in SOOOO long. I've missed it.
I'm back this time with a book that holds a collection of dreams I've had throughout my life, that have had a greater impact on me. When I dream, I dream WILD. I have symbolic dreams, reoccurring dreams, and I have the ability to control my dreams.
Sometimes during chaotic dreams, I make myself go invisible for my own safety. I don't always have the ability to control them, so sometimes shit gets crazy.

I've written these dreams in way to where it feels like a story, or a movie. So I won't just be skimming through them.

I hope y'all stick around to read these chapters. Thank you. ⚡️🖤

........If this is showing for you after the first story, mind ya bidness 💀

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