Will I Ever See You Again? Part 5; Him Meeting My Parents

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Word Count ~ 1612

My heart was slamming in my chest, as I made my way back to the room where I know my parents would be waiting for me. HEATED. They're going to kill me. I finally made my way up to the big blue door. My shaky hand reaches for the knob. Before I make contact with it, the door flies open and there stands my dad. My mom stands a few feet behind him. They both look upset. I walk passed my dad and prepare myself to hear their mouths.
"You were with the boy, weren't you." My dad speaks up, voice stern. I nod in response, avoiding both of their eyes as I sit on my bed.
" You look a mess. Your hair, your face. Are you hungover?" My mom's voice raises, and I flinch. My head is slamming from all the alcohol. The yelling isn't helping. I shake my head.
"No, how I could possibly be hungover. Who is gonna serve a nineteen year old alcohol?" I reply, trying to sell it.
"Lie again. I smelled the alcohol on you soon as I opened the door." My dad says as they both take a seat across from me on their bed. The room is silent for a few seconds until my mom speaks up.
"Did you use protection?" My eyes snap up at her, bewildered. "Protection?! I didn't sleep with him." I reply honestly. Almost. Almost slept with him, but didn't.
"You expect us to believe you were out all night, with some movie star lookin' guy and you didn't sleep with him?"
I become aggravated.
"Mama. Daddy. I did not sleep with that boy. I don't even know him. Have more faith in me. " I say in a serious tone as my eyes go back and forth between my accusatory parents. They make eye contact with one another for a few seconds.
"Alright, we'll believe you....for now. Don't pull no shit like this again. If you plan on goin' out, let us know. I know you're an adult now, but we're still responsible for you. Be smarter." My dad replies as him and my mom rise and head towards the door. They are all dressed up.
"Where are y'all goin'?" I ask. Who do they think they are leaving without me.
"We don't have to tell you. Isn't that what you did last night." My mom replies sarcastically and her and my dad laugh. She sticks her tongue out at me as they exit the room. I smile to myself. That went better than I expected. I hope Noah isn't receiving it too harshly from his folks.


I take the time to clean myself up. I showered, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I moisturized my skin with my body cream. I decided on wearing high waisted blue jean shorts, a black crop top, and black sandals. I let my dark, wavy hair hang freely. I applied mascara, and lipgloss and called it a day.

It's still early. I know my folks are having breakfast. I'll find them. I grab my miniature black backpack, and head out the door. My mind goes to Noah as I make my way through the semi crowded halls. I really hope he's alright. His parents seem....uptight. I'm sure he got a mouthful. Plus, I don't think his mom likes me.

I approach one of the breakfast bars, and there are my folks enjoying a hot meal. I walk on over and take a seat next to them.
"Oh look she found us." My mom says as my parents look in my direction. The aroma of their food is making me nauseous. I won't be having breakfast. Maybe just a banana. They help with hangovers.
"Can y'all not be mad at me? I just wanna have fun with my family." I plea to them.
"We're not mad. Just don't do it again. No more drinkin', and no more leavin' without tellin' us. We used to be young too. We understand young love. That's how you got here." My dad says and I almost vomit.
"Alright, please." I reply as they continue to tease me.
I order a banana, and force myself to finish the whole thing. I'm miserable, but it's worth the night I had. I get butterflies in my stomach remembering the eventful night. I like Noah. Speaking of Noah....
My eyes scan the perimeter of the breakfast bar. No sign of him yet.
"You comin'? We're gonna go play some games at the fair. " my dad asks, as him and my mom lock fingers.
"Yeah, I'm comin'."

We head to a lower deck where the fair was being held. My head was spinning from all the chaos going on around me. Loud children. Drunken, obnoxious adults, party music. Help me. I find a bench to sit on while my dad tried to win my mom this large plush animal she has her eye on. My eyes are still scanning around for Noah. Maybe he's asleep back at his room? My dad successfully wins the plush for my mom. She smiles as she tightly squeezes the toy that is almost bigger than she is. I smile.
We navigate through a few more games before my folks venture off to a bar. They told me not to follow them, and called me an alcoholic as they giggle and scurry away. I playfully roll my eyes.

"Yeah. Go ahead. Just stay away from the black girl. You know how we feel about her type." I hear a familiarly annoying voice say from a few feet away. I look over to see Noah, and his parents. Noah is wearing a graphic t- shirt, grey sweat shorts, and sneakers. He has his hands in his pockets as he glares at his parents.
"You two should really change your mind set. It's 2015. Get over it. I'll like whoever I want." He snaps at them as he storms away from them. They are calling after him about his attitude, but he keeps walking. His eyes land on me, and his face softens. He flashes a small smile before approaching me. I smile back, as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
"You're not dead. " he jokes to me. I laugh. "You're not either." I joke back.
"Nah, but it would've been better than hearing my parents complaining every five minutes." He replies and glares back at them. They spot him talking to me, and their faces read FURY.
"Yeah, so I kinda overheard what your mom said." I say softly. Noah looks down at me with apologetic eyes.
"I'm so sorry about that. My parents... they think people should only date within their "own kind "." He states, using air quotes. I cringe as I look back over at them. They glare, and stomp away.
"I'm not like them. I like who the hell I like." Noah says, as he wraps his arm over my shoulder. "I feel bad that you have to deal with that." I reply.
"I don't. I'll be moving out soon enough." He says smiling down at me. I return the smile.

As we continue walking, we come across the bar where my parents are seated. I shutter. Noah looks down at me concerned as their eyes land on us.
"What's wrong?" He questions.
"Those are my folks." I say pointing in their direction with my chin. Noah drops his arm from around me quickly. He looks at them, observing their expressions. He takes a breath.
"Let's go. I'd better introduce myself." He replies. HUH?
"What? W-why?" I stutter as he carefully drags me in the direction of the bar.
"They already have a bad impression of me. You came back to the room this morning. I shouldn't walk passed them, and I'm holding their daughter." He recites. I just sigh, and keep it pushing.
Help me.

As we approach my parents, they eye Noah closely. I give them a pleading look.
"Hello sir, ma'am. I'm Noah." He says extending his hand out to shake theirs. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding when they finally extend theirs back. They introduce themselves as my parents.
"So you're the guy my daughter spent all night with." My dad states, rather than asks. Noah swallows.
"Yes sir. I wanna apologize for that. We lost track of time. We were having too much fun." Noah pleads. My mom raises a brow.
"What kind of fun?" She asks. I roll my eyes. Noah's eyes pop out.
"No. No ma'am. Not that kind of fun. Just talking is all." He stammers.
"I tried explainin' that to them already." I say closing my eyes.
"I'm just teasin' y'all. Next time you want my daughter out, come to our room and get her." My mom demands in a playful tone. Liquor.
"A hundred percent." Noah agrees.
" Do your folks know about her?" My mom continues. Noah looks down. "Yes ma'am. They do." He replies.
"What do they think of her ? You know bein' that she's black." Noah looks at me with sorrow in his eyes.
"They want me with a white girl. I like who I like. I won't listen to them." He replies honestly. My parents give me an "I told you so" look. I sigh.
"Wouldn't have to get into it with your folks. Let's hope not. " my dad speaks up. Noah nods. He knows how crazy his parents can be sometimes.
"Hopefully, Sir."


Hey y'all. Lol it's Rick and Morty night. Season five is here! You can find me on the couch with my snacks lata ⚡️🖤

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