Digital Nympho; Part Four

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Word Count ~ 639

Over the course of a few weeks, I've tried exceedingly to get rid of Rayven. She's controlling my entire life. I wish more than anything, that I had taken a trip to the back wall of that discount store and selected a different game.

She's stuck in my mind twenty four seven like brainworm. I'm at work thinking about her springy breasts. I'm grocery shopping reminiscing about her warm tongue against me. When my parents made a joke about me being a lesbian because I'm always single, for a second I thought that maybe they were right.
I'm actually a heterosexual woman. I just have...can you have Stockholm Syndrome in your own damn house?

I've got to figure out how to banish Rayven for once, and for all. I need my life back. Well, lack of, but that's not pertinent.

I could try breaking the disk. Maybe even gifting someone else the game, but why would I ever want to put someone through the shit I'm experiencing with this bitch? She pops up when she pleases. I've learned to make sure I turn the game off properly, but she still finds a way out to me. It's as if, she's becoming indestructible. SHE WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE.

Who the hell developed this game?!

All I want to do now that I'm home from work, is to take a much needed nap. Once I'm showered, and wrapped up cozy in my King sized bed, I begin to drift off into a slumber. I feel my bed rock softly, and I pop my eyes open to the appearance of Rayven lying next to me. She's facing me while lying on her side. She has a smirk plastered on her made up face. I sigh.

"I'm horny. Let's fuck." She giggles, as she tries to slide her hands under the blankets. I've had enough.

"STOP." I yell, causing her smile to drop instantly. Her shiny eyes scan my face. My brows are furrowed, and my eyes are widened in rage. "You need to leave. I'm sick of you. I want my old life back!" I continue, sitting up now. Her mouth is opened in disbelief. She shakes her head.

"We've had this conversation already...billions of times. You are stuck with me." She replies slowly. "You brought this upon yourself." Her voice is now in such a cold tone that I don't recognize from her. Small bumps arise on my arms.

"I'll break the game disk. Then what could you do?" I threaten her. She smirks.

"You're not going to break the disk. If it were that simple for you, it would've been done ages ago." She replied, in a cocky manner. I let out a dry laugh.

"Just wait til I get you back into the tv. You're done for." I reply. As soon as she's back into the tv, I'll quickly shut the console off, and then crack the cd. I'll finally end this.
Rayven let's out a thunderstorm cackle.

"Well, you'll have to catch me first now won't you?" She replies in a mocking tone. She then stands from the bed. She stares me down into my eyes before glitching away and out of my site.

This is going to be more difficult than I imagined. How the hell am I supposed to catch her?

Author's Note

Has it really been a year since I last updated this story????!!!! It's kind of horrifying to think about, because it feels like not that long ago at all.

There's gonna be one more chapter of this dream. Will we catch Rayven, and get rid of her for good???

Thanks for reading. I'm very sleepy from waking up at 5 for work so this chapter was kinda rushed. I'm also ready to move on to other dreams lololol

-Ghost 👻🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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