Will I ever see you again? Part 6; Mission: Don't get caught by the parents

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Word Count ~ 1835

Noah, and I spent most of the afternoon together before branching off, and spending some time with our families.
My parents and I decided to have lunch in our room. We ordered some room service, and kicked back watching some comedy special on the television. I was feeling a lot better, so I DESTROYED a hamburger with fries. My parents and I, are enjoying our quality time together. No word of Noah, or his racist parents. I almost forget about the incident from earlier until I receive a text from Noah. We finally swapped digits.

Noah: Hey, what's your room number?

I furrow my brows, wondering why he needs to know.

Me: F12, why?
Noah: Be there soon.

I set my phone down, and glanced over at my folks. They were cuddled up, cackling at the man on the tv acting a fool on his stage set.
Is Noah alright?
A few seconds later, we hear a knock on our door. My dad goes to open the door. I wait with anticipation. My dad opens the door, and there Noah is. He has on a black and white tuxedo, and his hair is slicked back exposing those beautiful eyes of his. My dad cocks his head back at me. I look at Noah in shock.
"Hello, Sir. I'd like to ask for permission to invite your daughter to the Annual Cruise Prom tonight. " he speaks carefully. My face lights up. My mom's eyes widen in excitement. I climb from the comfortable bed, and stand next to my dad at the door. I smile at Noah. He tries to mask his nervousness. My dad looks over at my mom and she shrugs.
"Why not?" My mom answers. My dad looks back at Noah. "You have my permission." He flashes a quick, almost non existent smile at my date.
Noah thanks my dad, as my dad steps aside to let the younger male inside.
I start rambling .
"Oh, I have to find a dress. I'm sure I have somethin' here. Oh, my shoes, my hair." I say as I look through my luggage.
"Take your time." Noah assures me.


Thirty minutes later, Noah was still chatting with my dad about God knows what. My mom and I were fixing me up in the spacious bathroom . I exit the bathroom fully dressed. I took a quick shower. I threw on this off the shoulder, sparkly, black dress I had packed, paired it with a classic red pump, my mom pinned one side of my hair up, applied my eye makeup, and added a red lip to match my accessories.
Noah's jaw dropped once his eyes landed on me, and he stood up in his place.
"Feels like the high school prom all over again." I say as a flash Noah a shy smile. My mom stood smiling behind me. My dad smiled at us.
"You look.....drop dead gorgeous." Noah finally utters out.

We finally leave my room, after my dad sent Noah some threats, and my parents both gave me some hopeful, yet reluctant facial expressions. We start heading towards the cruise prom. I was so elated that Noah surprised me like this. It must have taken so much courage to come ask my parents for their permission. I don't know how he had the balls, honestly. Even if my folks said no, I would've gone anyway. I wouldn't have let him make all this effort, and let him walk away feeling foolish. He even fought his parents on this.

I stare over at him, hand in his, as we make our way down. He's so handsome.
I stop walking and he looks over at me, questionably.

"Hey, you look way too gorgeous not to kiss right now." I say, as he smiles at me. He turns to face me as I place a hungry, yet gentle kiss upon his lips. When I pull away, his eyes open slowly.
"I could never get enough of that." He states as we start walking again. I giggle.

We enter the prom area. It's decorated with ribbons, flyers, and balloons. A giant disco ball is ascending from the ceiling. I can feel the pulsating vibrations from the loud speakers under my toes. A swarm of couples on the dance floor. Some making out against the walls. I look over at my date's ecstatic expression.
"Let's dance!" He shouts, grabbing my hand, and leading me to the dance floor. My body automatically presses against his as the sexy R&B song booms through the speakers. My back, to his front. He places both his hands on each side of my hips as we bump and grind. I close my eyes as I get lost in the vibes.
"You look so good right now." Noah says from behind, into my ear. His voice only makes me sway my hips more eagerly. His grip tightens around my waist. I feel his breath tickling my neck. This man. This man will make me act up. Help me.

The song ends and Noah goes to get us drinks from the punch bowl. I take a cup from him, and drink it quickly as my body temperature is still hot from the sensual dancing. My eyes widen as I come to a realization.
"The punch is spiked." I tell Noah, as he smirks.
"Just ours." He replies , looking at me with devious eyes. HUH?
"What? How?" I ask, watching his face closely. He then pulls out a bottle of alcohol from his jacket pocket. My face lights up. I like him. I won't even ask where he got it from.
"My type of man." I say as Noah pours more of the clear liquid into my cup.
I know my folks told me not to drink again, but I'm sure it'll wear off before I make it back to the room tonight. I'll be good.

Noah and I, end up like most of the other pairs here. Lips wrapped around each other's, with flushed cheeks. This man is intoxicating....k maybe it's the liquor. The DJ announces that the dance is now coming to an end as it is now 10 pm. Loud groans of disapproval are heard everywhere. Noah and I make eye contact. My parents said to be back no later than 12. We still have time together.
"Come on." I say pulling my date out of the prom area. He stumbles a bit as he follows behind me. He stops walking, and pulls me into him to place more kisses on my lips. I know we decided not to rush things, but he's making it so tempting for me.

To pass time, Noah and I went into a photo booth, ate some deserts, danced outside of bars where we could hear the music blasting, and made out. This night, is something out of a movie. Time is only an illusion as the lights above our heads danced in slow motion while we drunkenly spun in circles together.
"I never want this night to end." Noah whispers, as he hugs me, and places his head on my shoulder. I embrace him, stroking the back of his hair.
"Let's stay out again." I whisper into his ear. He moves to look down into my eyes. He shakes his head.
"We can't. Our parents. Your parents. They trusted me." He speaks with a soft voice. I caress his face.
"They trusted you, not me. I can make my own decisions, and I've decided I wanna stay out with you." The alcohol is clouding my moral compass as I speak. I don't care about consequences right now. He reluctantly nods his head in agreement.
"Let's do it." He says leading me to a different part of the boat.

This damn vacant room. We've found our way back to our rendezvous. This is dangerous.

We roll around on the bed, in a heated make out session. He's leaving a trail of bruises around my neck in between as I lustfully fist his hair. His body feels so exhilarating tangled into mine as we sink deeper into this soft mattress. What is time? Things begin to get a lot more heated, so Noah unwraps himself from my warm body. He stands up, staring down at me with heavy breath. I stare up at him down for whatever we decide to do, or not to do next.
"You're a dangerous woman." He finally speaks as I sit up. "We should go somewhere more public." He states, pushing his disheveled hair back into place. "I don't want us to react on drunken thoughts." He tells me. I smile, and nod as a stand up myself. "You're right. " I say grabbing his hand leading him to the hallway.

As I open the door, we both hear a familiar voice. A LIVID voice. "We told them to be back by midnight. It's 3 am." I hear my dad tell my mom.
I look to the side to see my parents speeding down the halls in search of two hard headed teens. I quickly shut the door and lock it. My eyes bulge from their sockets. I glance at the clock on the dresser. It really is 3 am. Shit. Noah slowly backs away from the door, fear written on his face. I can't help but to giggle. I'm not sure if it's a fearful laugh, or if I actually find this exciting since I'm under the influence. Noah has his eyes fixated on the ground beneath us.
"Lighten up. This too, shall pass." I recite, continuing to giggle. Noah eventually breathes, a small chuckle escaping his lips. If I were sober, I'd be crapping my pants right now. I watch through the peephole as my parents speed by. I wait a few seconds and motion for Noah to follow me as I open the door again. He hesitates, but follows suit. I have no clue what my next move is. All I know is we are now on 'Mission: Don't get caught by the parents'.

Noah and I, run in the opposite direction from the way my parents just went. I can practically feel the flames of the footsteps they left down this hallway.
We navigate our way quickly through this maze of a ship, peeking around the corners before we turn a new one. The liquor is now wearing thin, and I'm actually starting to realize how much trouble I'm in. My folks are going to skin me alive. We are about to cut another corner when we spot two familiar middle aged people. "SHIT!" Noah whisper yells.
We've now spotted his parents as well. Are you kidding me!? They are on ten as they scale the halls for a glimpse of their son, and the girl they disapprove of. Noah pulls me against his chest as we reach a dead end with nowhere else to run. His parents steady making their way towards us....

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