Will I Ever See You Again? Part 2; His Invitation

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Word Count ~ 774

As the sun went down, my parents and I decided we were getting pretty hungry for dinner. We changed into some casual, yet fancy clothes and head from our room to the food places on the boat. The music became more rambunctious as we reached the festivities going on around us. The boat lit up with various different colored lights that shone brightly against the dark night sky. People were laughing loudly, and clumsily dancing. Shots were half off right now. Damn, I want some shots. It was almost as if my dad heard my thoughts. He turned to give me a stern look as we passed the bar up. I looked away, hiding my amused smile. We made our way inside this Mexican themed restaurant. The host seated us in a booth with an ocean view. This was so exciting. My stomach growled as the spicy aroma filled my nostrils. "What are y'all gonna get?" I asked my parents as they eyed the menu. "I'm lookin' at these chicken quesadillas." My mom said , nearly drooling. "I might get some enchiladas, with Mexican rice." My dad said. I looked over the menu. The chicken quesadillas looked promising to me as well. Bingo. The waiter came and introduced himself. He then starting taking our orders. My parents order a strawberry margarita with their food. "Will you be having one as well. " the waiter asks me. I fix my mouth to agree on one, jokingly of course. Before I get the chance, both my parents respond for me. "No." They say in unison and eye me. "I- I didn't say nothin'!" I say with my hands up.

We're enjoying our food, and talking about life together as we eat. It's what we do best. I drank an excessive amount of water, so I excuse myself to go find the restroom. I observe all the fancy decorations on the walls and ceiling as I make my way through the tables full of people stuffing their faces. On the way to the bathroom, I glance over at one of the tables. There he is. Of course I was secretly hoping to run into him tonight. Noah. He's seated at a table with his parents. He's fiddling with an empty straw wrapper and looking around not paying attention to whatever his parents are talking about. He suddenly glances over in my direction.  I stop in my tracks when our eyes meet. I give him a small smile, and wave. His face lights up at the sight of me. I continue on to the restroom to handle my business. I can't help but blush at myself in the mirror as I dry my hands off. He's so attractive. I was so thankful I changed into this cute, flowy summer dress that was strapless. I complemented the dress with these knee high sandals that had jewels up them. A drastic change from earlier when I was wearing jeans, and a shirt I purchased on this cruise. Unimpressive. I was beating myself up earlier for dressing that way since I happened to run into one of the most beautiful men ever. I've redeemed myself. Two tipsy women stumbled into the bathroom breaking me out of my thoughts. They were giggling and slurring over their words. Hey, you think they'll get me a drink or two?

I make my way from the bathroom. I stop walking when I notice Noah is missing from his table. Where could he have wandered off to?
"Looking for me?" A low voice whispers from behind me. I jump. I turn to see Noah laughing, and covering his mouth with his fist. I immediately smile seeing his cheeks pushed up into his eyes that high.
"N-no........yeah I was." I admit.
"I went to go take a leak. Hoping I would catch you on the way out." He admitted as he gained his composure. I felt my heart flutter. "Well, here I am. I couldn't have gone far. We're on a boat for crying out loud." I recite his words from earlier. I watch him go right back into that big smile as he laughs.
"What side of the boat are you on?" He Asks. "The back. You?" "Middle. What are you doing later tonight?" I become excited just hearing the question. "Nothin' planned. I was gonna probably go back to the room and chill with my folks." I say shrugging. His eyes sneak over to his table where his parents are still seated. "Stay out with me." His says in a low voice as his eyes make their way back down into mine.

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