ii, mean.

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chapter two. mean.

"i think i'm going to tell everyone i can see when they're going to die above their heads," angelina said, entering lowell high school with ranboo by her side — their first day of senior year officially beginning. "i'll tell them all they're dying tomorrow."

ranboo nodded. "right. keep them on the edge of their seats."

"you just get me," she grinned. "can you get my schedule? i have to piss."

"already?" oliver furrowed his eyebrows, adjusting the single backpack strap on his shoulder. "didn't you go right before we left?"

angelina rolled her eyes. "sorry i can't control my bladder, ranboo. you try stepping in my shoes for once. then come and talk to me. freak." she emphasized his nickname.

"who're you calling freak?" he pushed her jokingly. "i'm not the one who goes pee literally every five seconds."

she only responded with a blank stare, before turning down a different hallway to find a bathroom. there were several familiar faces, some new — and some she'd seen since middle school.

the new freshmen looked around the school as though they'd never been in one before, and angelina smiled softly at the factor that she and ranboo had looked like that just four years ago.

"angie!" an oh so familiar irish tone shouted behind her in the hallway, and a smile crept onto angelina's face. "what the fuck? i've been looking for you everywhere!"

elodie o'connor was by far the funniest person you'll ever meet. and the accent only made her funnier — it was so strong, if you hadn't known her for a good amount of time, you'd be in dead confusion.

"ELLIE!" angelina wrapped her arms around elodie tightly. "my boy. how was summer? you didn't write me, you freakin' bozo."

elodie laughed for a short period of time. angelina didn't have access to a phone all summer — due to the ideas that campers could use their phones to cheat with instruments.

ranboo sent her about six dozen letters, before angelina got tired of all the mail being for her, she wrote back a simple few words.

hi rainbow,

leave me alone you fucking freak. what do you do all summer? go play more minecraft. you know how many letters i've gotten from you? thirty six. it's been two weeks, king. i know i'm awesome, but the mailmen are tired of saying "angelina phan" over and over again.

fuck you dearly,

she did receive thirteen more letters that were definitely out of spite, considering that they all had one letter of the alphabet each, and spelt out 'i  h-a-t-e  a-n-g-e-l-i-n-a'.

oliver swears he's so fucking funny.

"right, about that," elodie grinned. she walked into the bathroom aside angelina. "you know kasey camden, right?"

angelina furrowed her eyebrows as she allowed elodie to speak, walking into a stall and continuing the conversation. "yeah. cheer captain. they were in my home ec class last year."

she could hear the smile in elodie's face as the irish girl spoke.

"yeah. we totally hooked up this summer." she laughed.

luckily angelina was not drinking anything, because if she was, then she'd spit it out immediately. "WHAT?"

"I KNOW!" elodie yelled back excitedly. "it started end of june. i have no idea if they're going to act like anything happened — it's not official, or anything."

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