xvii, delicate.

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chapter seventeen. delicate.

angelina had never been in tommy's house before. as said before, she knew he lived with two roommates, and that was the automatic assumption of her's - he simply didn't want her to interact with them.

he was still hesitant on the idea, but with angelina and olive behind him, tommy unlocked the house and angelina was instantly hit with the smell of muffins. she was slightly expecting the stench of teenage boy.

"woah," angelina's lips parted as she did a full 360, taking in the house. it wasn't huge, but it could certainly fit more than three people. "this is ... surprisingly clean."

"that's what you have to say about it?" tommy rolled his eyes. "feel free to have a look. but use your time wisely - you gotta get out of here by seven."

angelina nodded, walking off towards the kitchen where the muffin smell seemed to be coming from. it got stronger as she walked, and her eyes drifted to different photos on the wall. there were some that seemed to have been taken down - the nail was still there.

she knew tommy and olive were going to get their own place after she graduated, they already were looking for places down in brooklyn. angelina couldn't help but wonder if they were planning to sell this house or if they were just going to leave it to the two roommates.

finally reaching the kitchen, angelina saw someone else. she assumed it was one of tommy's roommates. he was wearing a yellow hoodie, and was shorter than angelina herself. he had brunette hair and was munching on a blueberry muffin.

"hey, ann, right?" he said as he saw the girl walk into the room. she nodded. "i'm toby."

"nice to meet you," she smiled, sitting a seat away from him. toby offered her a muffin, which she gladly took. "assuming you live here?"

it was toby's turn to nod. "yeah, been friends with tommy since we were around - thirteen, fourteen maybe. it's definitely been awhile. liv and i have been friends since we were fifteen, though."

"oh, well it was nice to meet you," she got up from her seat. angelina had forgotten she was on a timed 'appointment'. "i better get going, considering i have like - two hours."

"i can show you down to get a better mic, if you'd like," toby offered, making her nod gratefully. "we have actual music ones, considering i released a song at some point, and before we moved from england our friend gave us one of his mics."

"that'd be great, thanks," angelina smiled. why wouldn't tommy want her to meet him? toby seemed awfully nice. something had to be real wrong with the other roommate. "so you released a song?"

"i did! back in '21, so i was turning eighteen that year. sometimes i think about writing more, but i do like sticking to just playing instruments. i can play quite a few." toby said.

"me too! i was in band for the longest time, i pretty much know how to play every song in the book," she grinned. "i go to nyu for recording music, actually."

toby nodded, like he already knew the information. "liv told me about the second part. if i ever get back into music we should definitely do something together! i'm a streamer too, but i would really like to get back into it." he smiled.

"hell yes, i'd be so down for that," angelina took a mic from him, putting the stand to her height. "i'm actually still getting back into music, maybe even release some stuff. i have a ton of ideas, and maybe it could go somewhere."

"i'm sure it will," toby smiled. "if you play as well as you talk, then you should be set for life."

after thirty minutes of sitting at the piano, angelina finally had something to go off of for you belong with me. since it had been the most raw song, and the most emotional, she had to take herself back to the night of the graduation. to feel what she was feeling then.

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