v, peace.

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chapter five. peace.

"hey, elodie," angelina said as she clocked into the diner, rubbing her eyes and yawning a bit. "how're you doin' this morning?"

"by god, you look like you got hit by a bus," elodie chuckled a bit and patted angelina's back softly. elodie's irish accent always comforted angelina. "you doin' good?" she said, concerningly.

angelina put her uniform on and stuck her nametag on top of that. she threw a hat on and some gloves, watching the clock tick by. it was four fifteen in the morning.

"i'm fine, just tired." angelina said. to be honest, she wasn't just tired. the day before she hadn't realized the next day was a saturday, and that she worked morning shift as well. ranboo'd usually drive her and order something every time, but angelina didn't want to bother him right after their argument.

"well you let me know if you're feeling shitty, 'kay?" elodie sighed. "we got a few pick-up orders over the phone, you get started on them and i'll work out front. you don't look capable of dealing with people right now."

"how long have you been here for?" angelina began busying herself, making a bacon and cheese sandwich. "thought our shift started at four twenty?"

"it did, needed some extra cash though - worked out some overtime for a bit," elodie yawned. "been here since three."

angelina let out a raspberry noise with her tongue, shaking her head and placing an orange juice in a paper bag, along with the bacon cheese sandwich she made seconds prior. "you should give yourself a break. could've asked me, anyways - i could've spared a few bucks out my paycheck."

"come on, we both know i'm not gonna bother you like that," elodie chuckled and bagged a couple donuts for herself after realizing no one was walking in for a bit. "besides, i've been missing a few days thanks to band."

"shit, man, i haven't practiced anything," angelina turned the tv on and scrolled through the channels. "concert's in a few weeks, i'll memorize it the night before."

"that's not healthy, mate," elodie handed the raven-haired girl a cup of coffee, taking a sip of her own. "what's up with the songs you've been writing all through band anyway? still working on those?"

"stayed up all night working on one of them," angelina rubbed her eyes and settled on harry potter, the half blood prince. "this movie's shit, if you compare it to the book. ever read them?" she turned to elodie.

elodie shook her head. "i got to order of the phoenix and gave up. i had a massive crush on fred and george though."

"oh my god, me too!" angelina laughed. "there's nothing else on. just connect your bluetooth and play some music." she yawned.

"nuh-uh," elodie shook her head. "you connect it, last time i did, we got at least four complaints about how it was too 'heavy metal'. these people just have no taste."

"god forbid people don't like listening to metallica while drinking their coffee." angelina sighed exasperatedly, sarcasm dripping through her words as she spoke. "notice how we don't get complaints when i connect my phone?" she teased.

elodie rolled her eyes and threw the rag they were holding onto their shoulder. angelina smiled absent-mindedly and searched through her bluetooth devices, eventually finding the speaker from the diner and shuffle-played her "oh shit my bad bro i didn't realize the world revolved around you" playlist, which she found from ranboo's liked playlists.

whoever niki was, she had excellent music taste.

it was slow until seven. then families started coming in, sitting at the tables and ordering breakfast. angelina and elodie were the only waitresses until their shifts were over, and it was saturday. the rush was intense, and it'd last until the end of the day.

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