x, sad beautiful tragic.

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chapter ten. sad beautiful tragic.

angelina phan was not really one to go to school dances. when kasey asked her, angelina felt like maybe this was a chance to try something new. however, she couldn't really figure out if she had made the right choice or not.

kasey camden was a very fun person. they were always energetic, given the whole cheer captain thing, not to mention that was just their personality. everyone loved kasey, and that was the end of that.

not like everyone didn't like angelina, it's just the fact that she was less outgoing. as said before, she was always seen with something school related in her hands, and was most likely running to wherever she had to go next.

so seeing angelina being one of the most outgoing and fun people at homecoming was a strange sight to see. she was being happy, for once. maybe a normal seventeen year old, which she hadn't had much time to be.

the raven-haired girl hadn't been this happy in quite some time. usually her mind was clouded with thoughts full of schoolwork, band, music, or ranboo. not to mention hayden, who lived up in her brain more than angelina liked.

tilting her cup full of punch into her mouth, angelina leaned back into her chair, watching majority of the couples dance and talk. kasey was across the room pouring more punch into her own cup, which she'd probably put alcohol into as well.

ranboo and hayden arrived a few minutes after kasey and angelina had. the two best - or, ex-best friends had spoken to each other in the halls, but there was never a sort of conversation discussing where they stood.

angelina didn't know how ranboo felt, but she knew how she felt. and that was . . . nothing. well, a bunch of love and heartbreak, and she couldn't help but think that this little crush wasn't going away anytime soon.

"woo! you havin' fun?" kasey panted slightly, sitting in the seat next to angelina, tilting their head back, bringing their cup along with it. they downed whatever was in it. "i am so sweaty right now, oh my god."

"i would think you'd be less exhausted, you know. considering that you're a cheer captain who has put her girls through hell," angelina laughed. "but yes, i'm having plenty of fun."

"it was a trick question, you aren't having fun until you've danced with me!" kasey pulled angelina's hands and brought her over to a place where multiple people were dancing around with their partners.

angelina could smell the alcohol drifting along kasey's breath. she hoped that the person she was dancing with wouldn't do anything they would regret. the night was still plenty young.

"kase, are you drunk?" angelina cautiously whispered, a smile dangling on her lips.

"what? no," kasey grinned idiotically, dragging out their words and dancing sloppily with angelina. "okay, maybe a little. but it was just a test at first, but chaperones really suck, dude."

"that's no excuse to get drunk," angelina  smiled sweetly. she seemed to be one of the only things keeping kasey up on their feet. "i think we should sit down for a bit - i'll get you some water-"

kasey shook their head frantically, still laughing like an idiot and making angelina  slightly overwhelmed. she'd never had to deal with this before.

"you're so pretty, angelina."

no. this was not happening right now. not the night where angelina  could finally be herself without having to run around the school with a heavily saxophone case in her hand with two hundred books weighing down her shoulders. not now.

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