ix, haunted.

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chapter nine. haunted.

angelina was finally going to have time to relax. be a normal seventeen year old. her schedule was slowly going back to normal, and winter break was soon - maybe she could sleep in for once.

the band concert was on the last day before break, and angelina practiced until three am, making sure every note was on beat. mrs andrews was not going to blame the fact that the band sucked, because of her.

the winter dance-formal was tomorrow, and angelina was just now getting a dress. no way she was dressing fancy, but angelina liked to look presentable, at times like these.

the dance was going to be the last day angelina would have a camera hung around her neck. she wasn't resigning from yearbook, but it was practically finished. the only things that were left to be put in were super major things, such as prom and graduation. angelina would still like to get some photos at the homecoming, though.

kasey sent a photo of what they were wearing the second angelina had gotten home. kasey was always on the more classic side, given the fact they were cheer captain - not to mention that they were raised that way.

white. that's what kasey's suit was the color of. angelina never dressed too fancy - but maybe it was finally time for a change. senior year just seemed to be full of surprises, anyways.

humming under her breath softly, taking glances down at her phone occasionally to have a fresh memory of what she was supposed to be matching with, angelina walked through one of the stores in the mall, looking for her possible outfit.

there were a few other kids from angelina's school - likely doing the same as her (shopping for clothes at the very last minute), which she didn't recognize all too well. a few from her geometry class, a few from yearbook, and even that sophomore that asked if she was okay during band.

there was some giggling from behind angelina, but she didn't pay too much mind to it. who was she to get in the way of a couple people having a nice time together. being jealous wouldn't do anything.

well, that was until she heard that voice.


angelina hadn't heard ranboo's voice in . . . forever. pondering on the last time it was, she was brought out of her trance when angelina heard him talk once more.

as said before, angelina phan was not a nosy person. she believed in privacy.

that was until it came to her best friend - who she just so happened to gain an interest in. does ranboo still even count as her best friend? angelina didn't have time to wonder, she had to try and seem interested in the dress in front of her.

"i told you, i have plenty of suits already -" angelina heard ranboo argue. but not in the mean sort of arguing, more like a playful type. "don't ask why, it's a completely normal thing for guys. i promise."

ranboo did have a lot of suits. why? no clue.

"i don't care, you need to match mine!" ugh. hayden's voice. if you were to compare it to a banshee, you probably wouldn't tell the difference. too far? okay. "please, oliver? we'll look real good, i promise."

there was a moment of silence.

"fine, but it better be good looking. i will quite literally refuse to wear it if it's ugly."

trilling her lips quietly, angelina set her eyes back onto the different types of clothing, maybe calling for a helpful hand? not like anyone would show up anyway-

"hey ange," the sweet, familiar voice of kasey had come from behind her.

wow, maybe wishing for stuff does work! angelina thought. next, hayden is gonna spill her drink all over herself-

"knew i'd find you here," kasey pulled angelina out of her mind once more, which was probably a good thing. "this one is nice. you considering it?" they felt the material of a simple, white dress that angelina was standing in front of.

"oh - yeah, i thought it was nice," angelina nodded. "might wear my docs with it, but haven't completely decided yet. what are you wearing as shoes?"

kasey ran a hand through their hair.

"my docs, don't worry. you can wear yours too," kasey nodded. "you do see who's behind us, right?"

"yeah, i was kind of listening in on their conversation before you got here," angelina said, shamefully. "she's making ranboo get a new suit. even though the boy has like - thirty of them." she laughed.

"angelina phan!" kasey laughed loudly and patted angelina's shoulder. "damn, didn't know you were about that sort of life."

"well, there's a lot of stuff that you don't know about me yet," angelina teased and tapped kasey's nose jokingly. "and you'll only find out in the days to come, i promise."

"god, why didn't we hang out more before?" kasey exclaimed, groaning and leaning their head back in despair. "we are literally so awesome as a duo. screw you for living your damn busy life." they shook their head disappointedly.

angelina smiled and took out her credit card, preparing to pay for the dress.

"i'm sorry for trying to get a scholarship. sue me, kasey."

"i will fucking sue you!" kasey yelled jokingly. "all your damn fault. i swear."

☽˚⁀➷ AUTHOR NOTE . . . ⚘
kasey stan club i love you kasey camden

 ⚘kasey stan club i love you kasey camden

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