xxii, don't blame me.

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chapter twenty two. don't blame me.

angelina woke up in the dorm alone, and the way she knew this was that olive's bed was empty, and the snores of her roommate were not there. olive likely went to tommy's and fell asleep there.

she did not remember how the night had ended. angelina did remember speaking to ranboo, and this put a gentle smile on her face as she lay in bed. the last thing she could remember was him walking her back to the dorms. nothing had happened in a relationship way, but angelina still enjoyed the thought.

somewhere in her love struck mind, angelina must've changed into pajamas last night. she wasn't too drunk or hangover, she still needed to function anyways. not bothering to change, she walked downstairs and hopped in her car - going to the nearest coffee shop.

pulling into the parking lot, angelina couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of her face. her headache was getting worse by the minute - or maybe it was always bad, but the happiness was overtaking it.

walking into not too full shop, rubbing her eyes - angelina caught eyes of dream and sapnap.

"hey you two!" she smiled, walking over to where they were standing in line. "how you guys holding up this morning?"

nick snickered. "if anything, we should be asking how you're holding up."

"what do you mean?"

"you don't remember?" clay's eyes widened. "well i would get that - you were either really ecstatic, or just really drunk. for being only eighteen, you can handle your alcohol, dude."

angelina sighed and moved up in the line. "well, what did i do?" she asked, yawning slightly.

"the question is, what didn't you do?" nick said, amusement in his voice. "after you came back with ranboo, you both had like - huge smiles on your faces. then, we watched lovejoy play for a while, but when they finished you did like - almost the whole heathers soundtrack."

angelina trilled her lips. how drunk did she get? and clearly her headache wasn't that painful.

"after a while, you performed revenge party from mean girls the musical - which was definitely the greatest thing i've ever seen," clay nodded. "the sound effects and all. you did every part yourself, including the speaking."

angelina leaned against the wall, her head hitting it multiple times.

"one black coffee please," angelina ordered. after thinking for a moment, she changed her mind. "actually make that two. no, three. i need a lot of caffeine right now. and a croissant sandwich."

the worker nodded, turning around to make the coffees. angelina pulled out her wallet, grabbing out her card and leaned against the counter, waiting for her moment to pay. this was going to be the longest morning of her life.

after saying a goodbye (and a hello, george was in the car waiting for the two), angelina walked back to her car and drove back to the dorms. she ate her sandwich as she drove, wracking her brain about the events that had gone down last night.

she turned up bohemian rhapsody as it came up on spotify.

angelina checked her phone every five seconds. and every time she did, the spotify streams went up. this brought an even bigger smile to her face. even though angelina already had one on her face. it was certainly going to hurt after a while.

after some time, olive had come inside and plopped down on her bed.

"i am the best party planner on earth. no one can convince me otherwise," she grinned. "god, did you see that last night? you were amazing up there! you're a natural, angie."

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