xxiv, this love.

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chapter twenty four. this love.

angelina and olive decided to bring the boys to albany, being able to introduce toby and ranboo to jade, and also to the city itself. neither of them had been to the capital, and considering the two girls grew up there - they knew the city like the back of their hand.

tommy decided to join along to film a vlog, needing some different content for the tom simons channel - after all the chaotic stuff they'd been doing, it seemed time for a change. the last vlog was from when angelina had the album release party (a month ago).

"this place is ... different," toby seemed like he was having trouble finding a word to describe the capital. "it smells ..."

"putrid?" tommy suggested.

"i was gonna say like smoke, but that pretty much sums it up." he nodded.

ranboo agreed silently, nodding. "where are we going first?"

angelina sighed, looking at olive. "we could go to huck finn's?" she shrugged, referring to the amusement not that far away. angelina hadn't been there since she was a kid. "but let's stop by to see jade first."

olive nodded.

"i think that'll be good - we need to ride a subway down there, though. i'm not walking, and we already parked the car way back there." she said, turning the group's direction off to the underground station.

"why don't they just call them trains?" tommy rolled his eyes. "they're basically the same thing, don't know why america has to call everything a different thing."

angelina sighed.

"america making everything difficult for seven hundred hours." ranboo furrowed his eyebrows.

"they wanted to be quirky." angelina shrugged, making them both laugh.

all five of them climbing on the subway, toby took a deep whiff of the scent around them (which he regretted, the rest of them had been on subways long enough to know not to breathe through their nose), making him cough slightly.

"jade! the love of my life, how are you?" angelina grinned as she leaned against the counter.

"angel! was not expecting you here today!" jade smiled. "and you brought people with you - thank you for keeping my cafe in business, i appreciate it very much." she nodded.

"it's no problem!" angelina gave a thumbs up. "wait - did you say your cafe? what about your mom? she give you the place?" she gaped.

jade nodded. she pointed to the 'owner' pin on her shirt. "she indeed did give me it. she wants to stay home and enjoy some retirement time, and i'm willing to take over the store for that. i hired some employees, place is getting more money coming in, thank god."

"that's so great!" angelina grinned. "anyways, this is my friend, toby - we call him tubbo, sometimes, though. and this is my . . . guy, ranboo." she felt ranboo squirm besides her.

"nice to meet you two," jade smiled, shaking ranboo's hand. as she was about to move to toby, but instead of shaking his hand, they both made (prolonged) eye contact. each turned a shade of pink. "uh - nice to meet you."

"you too," toby smiled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "right - i'm gonna order now, uh .. can i get like, a blueberry muffin, or any kind of muffin, or a cupcake, if you don't have those.." he visibly cringed at himself.

jade laughed softly. "we have blueberry muffins, don't worry."

"oh. good."

olive and tommy snickered at the nervous boy's behavior, while ranboo and angelina laughed at the nervous girl's behavior. both clearly wanted to at least ask for the other's number.

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