13: the second prince

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Enjoys peace that is what Benjiro means, if someone hears this they would think of a gentle and loving king that will bring long everlasting peace in the kingdom but instead..

"Do whatever you want, just make sure not to bother me while I'm sleeping" your always sleeping! I shouted in my mind but I kept my mouth close instead, his name fit him very well, a lazy prince that only cares about sleeping and finding a quiet place then he just enjoy the peace.

I found him sleeping up on a tree in his quiet and empty Rosewood courtyard.

all the maids and servants come here only twice a week to clean the courtyard
Because the second prince doesn't like crowded places and noisy environment so he only allow them to come here if it's necessary such as cleaning, the guards are stationed outside of the courtyard to avoid disturbing the sleepy prince, When it comes to his meal one, two maid comes in quietly and set up his food on the table trying to not wake him up, then they tiptoed away then come back to clean the table in the same tiptoeing movement.

I also enjoy quiet and peaceful places but I don't take drastic measures as him though, this kind of treatment is so not like a prince! Why did I expect something different from the lazy ass prince!?

Sigh, forget it.

Benjiro Lucille is the biological younger brother of the first prince, the second prince of the  empire, and the second child of the former empress.

Black hairs, his bangs covering his right eye, green emerald eyes, he look so much like his older brother the first prince except for the black hair that he got from the emperor but both of them inherited their mother's green eyes.

This man is emotionless, stoic and did I forget the word lazy, his literally unshaken by anything and everything, his only weakness is seeing a girl cry especially the heroine.

By now he probably already met the heroine a few months ago, He incountered her by chance when the heroine was being bullied and was crying by herself all alone behind a tree, I guess his natural manly instinct kick in when he sees a girl cry and urging him to go near her and wipe those tears away then comfort her.

Seeing that it's practically useless for me to say anything anymore, I just sat under the tree and closed my eyes, feeling the breeze and the cold shade of the tree.

It's been awhile since I had this kind of peace, ever since the fall of the house of Charlotte things started to gradually change for the better...and sometimes for the worse.

Daichi recently just started his 'princely' duty and his banquet will be thrown next week, it's a tradition that every new royal family member get to throw a banquet in their honor, all the other princes and princesses got their banquet on the very first week they were born, for him since he was adopted and just joined the royal family the banquet will be held on the first week of being adopted.

The scars that my mother left on my body remained till now, Everytime I have to look in a full sized mirror I can clearly see the burn, whip and wound mark my mother made back in the days when she was still alive---when I was still her puppet, but to be honest I kinda feel I'm still her puppet and that she's still here--alive and bringing nothing but darkness, evilness and cruelness into my world.

My past still haunts me in my dreams, every since I came into this world I never had a good peaceful sleep, I often imagine my real previous life mother's image overlapping with seraphina's  mother, both mothers were cruel, forced their dreams and hatred to their daughters, my never ending nightmare just doubled.

"Oi" a voice interrupted my trail of thoughts, I looked up to the lazy prince on the tree, waiting for what his going to say.

"What's your name again?" He asked, didn't even bother looking at me, actually I think what he said was an order--not a question.

"Seraphina..Seraphina Charlotte, your highness" I said and bowed, you only have to use the first prince, second prince and all that formal titles when there are more than one prince in the room but if only one prince is present then it's ok to use your highness.

"Too formal..your going to be annoying, aren't you" is he serious, I don't like his way of speaking to me? Or that's just his usual tone of voice, if the god protected me from the psychopath first prince then I hope they will protect this rude lazyass prince from me, I swear I'm going to punch his royal ugly face!.

"It depends your highness, however between the two of us I'm sure that his highness the second prince will be the handful one" I responded, not backing down, he stayed silent for awhile before I heard a scoffed from him.

"We shall see, lady Seraphina Charlotte" he said, challenging me, I smirked then said "indeed we shall, your highness second prince benjiro lucille"..

And thus the silent declaration of war started between the second prince and me...

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