24: workload

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And.... It's the most... Dreaded day of the week.

During the first day of the week, every morning I would spend hours lying on bed while thinking if I should go to work... Or not.

Why?, Because it's the first day of the week!!! Which means I have to babysit--I mean Escort the most yandere prince of all!!.... Him!.

"Well, hello There lady seraphina"

No! Not him!

Turning my head to the side my gaze landed on a certain green haired male, oh great.

"Greetings to you too, heir von adel" christian von adel, the first prince aide slash his maternal cousin and also the heir of the house of von adel.

The von adel family have the signature green eyes passed down to them just like the former empress, the first prince, the second prince and him.

"Heir von adel is too long, you just call me christian, knight Charlotte" he said, his a flirt and and an overall pain in the neck, no wonder him and the third prince gets along so well.

"No" I always see his face everytime I'm assigned to the first prince, it's annoying.

"Ow! I'm hurt" he playfully clench his chest, I rolled my eyes.


I meant HIM! This is the one I was talking about.

"Yes your highness?" I answered, Niko is signing up paper works--mountain of paper works.

"Chris, get me the documents involving the new land in the south, I want to have a further look into it before I sign this" he ordered, the mentioned boy--christian groaned and walked out of the door to get the said documents from the library.

"What do you think about this seraphina?" Upon the mention of my name I turned toward him, reading the paper he handed to me, it's just a proposal on increasing the allowance of the maid in his courtyard.

"I think it's great to invest in, your highness" I answered truthfully, handing him back the paper, he raised his eyebrow at me asking for an explanation.

"As a servant working in the castle I personally experience how hard the maids and knights work is during the winter, because of the late harvest this year, they might not have stored that much food for winter, as I said life is hard during this time season especially if you have to fed an entire family" I stated, walking toward the window behind me, I raised the curtains a little enough for him to see the maids working outside in the cold, the three young maids are removing the snow off the outside corridor, even though they have thick coats it still didn't protect them from the harsh cold wind outside.

"Sometimes.... You have to look at the other side of the coin" I said, he only glanced at the paper once more before stamping his seal on it, I turned back to the window, my lips being tugged upward, it feels...good, knowing that you helped other.

And plus you have to give it to them, they manage to survive this long serving this blonde prince, however...as days passed I noticed that..niko is becoming more expressive of his feelings to me than before... still not enough to rip off his mask but seeing other expression on his face other than the fake smile....it was nice.


"Heir von adel have left me these documents for you, your highness" putting the stack of papers on his desk, he didn't looked up from the books he constantly drown himself with.

"Thank you, seraphina" he formally said, the bags under his eyes are visible, his not that perfect as he seems, at the end of the day he is still a kid pretending to be an adult.

"Did Christian dumped his workload on me again?" Niko said with a hint or sarcasm, it was supposed to be the other way around, right? Christian doesn't fear death at all.

"Shall I help you with it, your highness?" I offered, as an escort knight I'm also an aide to them, It is important that an escort knight is skilled in every Field, thankfully I still have my photographic memory when I got reincarnated.

"Yes... Here" handing me the papers, I bowed down before exiting the study, walking to my own desk that wasn't far away from his door, since the emperor himself needs some help, he didn't hesitate to dump some of his workload to his 14 year old sons mainly the first and sixth prince and occasionally the Fourth prince too.

"All right then..." Here goes... I need to finish this soon so I can go home.


"It's all done, your highness" I said, he continued to write and just said " yes, good work seraphina, see you next week then" he said.

As usual....

I once again exited the study but for some reason I stayed at the door for approximately five minutes, after a little bit of courage I twist the doorknob and push the door, peeking at the now sleeping prince, I knew he won't last long before eventually giving in to slumber.

I tiptoed inside the room quitely, closing the door behind me softly, afraid to wake Niko, I blew the candles off making the room dim black except for the remaining one candle on his desk.

Taking a blanket from the drawers, I carefully drape it on him, I don't get paid enough for this.

I was about to leave when my eyes stared at the mountain of papers, I thought that by this time it would lessen but.... I'm afraid not.

Taking a chair from the side I sat on the opposite side of the desk from where he is, placing the candle near me so I could see better, I started to separate the papers by importance, those paper that needed to be signed by him were placed on the other desk so I could have more space, the remaining unimportant papers.......I did it.

I'm supposed to be home and snuggling in my bed! Why am I here!!---maybe because I spent too much time with Akio that I let my emotions control over me---or is it because I just feel guilty for sleeping on the job when I'm with the Benjiro while I let his older brother die from exhaustion.....you know what! I'm doing this out of a whim! Yeah that's it!

Rumbling about my problems in life while I sign this and that, before I knew it, the candle was out and thankfully it's all done!, I'm done! I'm not going to do this ever again!(I probably will though).

I left him still sleeping on his desk, we're both still kids--teenagers but he needs more rest than I do and plus....I like to avoid sleeping as much as possible..I don't know but my nightmares have been more frequent than ever.

Sighing hard before reaching the castle gates, I massaged my nape from looking down for hours! It's the middle of the night by the time I reached home, thankfully tommorow its the second prince, I can just sleep there.

Good night for now.

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