39: Ellie's True Nature.

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"she did what now?!"

"Yes, Second young Miss, First Miss went with Master for his Daily meeting with the Emperor along with the other Noble house Master at the Castle"


The entire Amrita household is in a turmoil right now, Every servants running around to see their Masters, First Madam Amrita is currently throwing a fit in her room, her daughter did went to her room for the morning greeting and then she found out that Madison went with her father to the castle.

Second Madam Frye is sitting quietly in her room, she may seem calm but in truth she's anxious about the situation, fearing what may happen to her and to the house of Amrita.

Ellie is currently pacing back and forth in her room, circling in an endless pace, she's very anxious, curious, amaze and even a little..... Proud?, Ellie knew what Madison is doing but she thought they will still have a little more time before Madison eventually starts her move.

"I never thought I'll say this but....... I hope your alright" she said, gazing out of her window.

Ellie knew that Madison already have everything she needs and just need a little more push to get her to start moving, that's why Ellie made Madison meet Seraphina, the girl knew that Sera would be that one last final push for Madison.

"She's moving faster than I anticipated" looking at the newspaper in her hands, the headline is all about women, Everything about the hidden figure hiding in the dark are finally started to step out.... This is all happening Simultaneously and it's too weird to be a coincidence.

No one knows how the Emperor might react to this and so we don't know how this will turn out.

It's already been week after Madison's silent games, all connecting together and all leading back to her.

"But why are they asking First Miss to go meet the Emperor?, She has nothing to do with this" her maid asked her, they knew their First Miss and they also know that politics are never her thing.

"Wrong, she have everything to do with this" Ellie said, as her little sister, Ellie already memorized by now who are Madison's associates and her allies from all corners of the kingdom, Ellie knows how Madison's moves and think.

"What do you mean, Second Miss?" A normal maid would not know about Madison's secret deeds, she only knows her as a refined, elegant, kind and sweet First Miss so it wasn't a shock that she doesn't know of or even understand the situation they are in right now.

Ellie didn't said anything but instead read the article on the newspaper, the owner of a famous dress shop in the kingdom turned out to be a Woman, a female doctor developed a cure to a plague that's currently infecting about a quarter of the kingdom's citizens, A female student topped this years Scholar exam, similar to the news of a female Knight getting first place in the Kingdom's Knight tournament....all achievement of women and even the writer of the articles are clearly women as well, Madison's not even trying to hide the fact that she have something to do with it, all of these women written on the papers are all her allies, all of them are Madison's people.

"It will only be a matter of time before the rest of the kingdom starts to protest to be heard, the castle won't be peaceful for the following days" Ellie whispered under her breath.

She, herself isn't sure if she should be Happy or not, should be feel worried instead?, Did she do the right thing by making Madison meet Sera that night?.

Now that Madison got free from her cage, she won't be afraid to get her claim for Sera's love, which means another rival had arrived.

She sighed out of helplessness, everything had became so messy and complicated than it already was.

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