26: Familiar Stranger.

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"Another day, Another prince" groaning as I drag myself of from bed, I walked to the bathroom with a heavy heart and even heavier feet.

Getting ready for the day, tying my hair up in a neat ponytail, I strap my sword around my waist, taking the keys from the side table I prepared to walk out of my house when I found yet another bouquet of rose laying on my doorsteps just like yesterday and the day before that.

Picking the flowers up, the aroma of the roses entering my nose, how is it possible that they smell even more lovelier as days pass by.

"Thank you Leo, Good morning to you too" I said, looking at the way of the young lad with dazzling white hairs and mesmerizing eyes resembling a lion, maybe thats where he got his name from, his died gorgeous I tell you, I mean there is like a line of girls every morning from across our street just so they can look at him, I wonder why he isn't a capture target or even a supporting character because he is way to beautiful to not look at.

Leo Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton's grandson, he came to town just about a two weeks after I came here, his a sweet and caring man who takes care of the flowers in their frontyard, one day he noticed how I would stare at his grandmother's rose patch and ever since then he would leave a bouquet of rose at my doorstep every morning, it was nice, I appreciate it--a lot, it lightens up my mood every mornings when I wake up grumpy, it helps--a lot.

Replacing yesterday's roses in the vase with the new ones, I proceeded to walk out of the house, of course just like every morning like clockwise, Leo was there tending to their garden yet again, he smiled at me happily, I smiled back at him.

"Thanks for the roses, it really brightens up my mood everyday" I said, he just shook head, saying the same thing he says to me "it's nothing, A beautiful lady like you deserve beautiful flowers like those" this sweet talker, although I can sense that he genuinely meant that, and I can listen to those words everyday.

I never thought I was this much of a sucker for pretty boys.

I can rate him higher than those six bastar--I mean Princes.

"See you later then Leo!" I waved farewell to him---

"I'll see you later, My rose"

An image flashed in my memory, remembering those words from someone I....knew?

"Hm? Did you say anything?" I looked back to him, curious if I was just hearing things.

"Hm? I said see you later too, take care" he repeated, smiling once more I walked away.

What was that? Why does it feels like deja Vu?

I feel like...... I'm missing something.

Disregarding those thoughts, I just ignored them, thinking that it's not that important...and eventually I just forgot about it, like I always do to unimportant thoughts.

My problem now is that walking ice block, the Sixth Prince or in short, Daichi.

As Time passed by a blink of an eye, I've gotten used to my new life and I say it's a surprise that I'm still alive.

I'm not that close to tearing down the first prince two-faced mask,
the second prince and I couldn't last a minute without throwing one or two insulting 'compliment' at each other,
The third prince is still...the third prince, he didn't really changed much,
The fourth prince is--as always at his usual habit in observing people like a creep--or a stalker,
The fifth prince is nowhere near defeating me,
The sixth prince is....well... complicated?
He just let me stay out of his study room and only calls me when necessary, I mean even if there is an assassination attempt he can totally handle it since....like I said, his from the Charlotte family, I'm practically useless when it comes to this.

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