18: The town

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Finally! I survived my first week, now I just have survive a million more days with them until I....die.

Sigh. This is a nightmare!.

"Good morning seraphina!, Did you had your breakfast already?" Walking out of my house then locking the door, I heard Mrs. Dalton greeting me.

"Good morning to you too Mrs. Dalton, and yes I just finished having my breakfast, thank you for asking" I don't know why but I seemed to have a soft spot for old people and children ever since I could remember, even in my past life.

"Your welcome dear, you must be looking forward on having the whole weekend for yourself after such a hectic first week of the job, go on and enjoy yourself" she smiled at me warmly, every morning I would always see her watering her plant and greeting me a good morning, which is....nice.

"Thank you Mrs. Dalton, say hi to Mr. Dalton for me" I said before running off to my first destination.

The newly opened Moon cafe! Just around the corner, You may not know this about me but I have quite a sweet tooth.

As days goes by with me living my new life I realized that I split myself into two persons, The first one is the one I usually show to the princes and other superior people, it's like my work mode.
The second one is my happy, lively, carefree self whenever I'm alone, I find myself singing a song, dancing while cleaning and smiling more often.

I don't really know which one is the true me but do know that I like both of them, my work mode allows me to feel strong, brave and independent while my carefree mode allowed me to have a small glance at freedom, it's like I get temporarily unchain by everything in the world.

I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't see the person in front of me, Bumping and knocking each other to the ground, I got up dusting my dress before handing my hand to the other person.

"I'm terribly sorry about that, here allow me to help you up.....second young miss amrita?" The heroine? Really? Why of all time!.

"lady charlotte" charlotte? Doesn't she know that the house of Charlotte is no more? Oh wait--this is the naive, typical heroine we're talking about! Of course she doesn't!

"It's seraphina my lady, I'm no longer a Charlotte householder since the house of Charlotte have fallen" I said, pulling her hand to help her stand up, I bended down to dust the dirt from her skirt.

"Oh right!, I'm terribly sorry lady cha---I mean lady seraphina" I just told her that it's seraphina, sigh.

"it's fine my lady, you can call me seraphina, Since now I'm nothing more than a mere knight and her ladyship is a noble Duke's daughter" I said, standing up and bowing my head to her.

" Oh please don't do that lady--seraphina, I'm supposed to be undercover since it's kinda boring in the mansion so I decided to talk a little walk around town" she said, little walk huh, I'd say no, my keen eyes spotted the bruise in my left arm, Ellie is wearing a plain light blue dress and a black cloak with a hood completely covering her face.

Now I remember, she must have already encountered the third prince earlier, It's all according to the plot, So it has already began ha.

"What Happened to your arm lady amrita?, It has a small bruise on it? Do you need help?" I asked, it's not like I'm expecting an answer from her, but her face turned tomato red by what I said, her words started to stutter, I guess right.

The third prince likes to go out and stroll around (or mostly likely slacking off from his lessons) this time, he encountered the heroine being harass by a drunk man so he--like any other goody-two-shoes-typical-capture-target he saves her, he was captivated by the heroines beautiful eyes and immediately started searching for her but he won't find see her again until three months after this--the annual winter banquet.

That is where the capture targets raised their flags to claim the heroine, the start of the war within the princes.

This is going to be troublesome.

"It was nice meeting you again second young miss but I have to go now" I excused myself since I know that later this evening she will meet yet again another capture Target, I don't know who and where exactly but I don't care about it either.

"Seraphina wait!, May I ask where you are going?" She asked, oh great.

" I'm going to have a look around the new stores that opened up around the corner, my lady" Now will you leave me alone?
" Oh I'll come with you" guess not.

Along that way the heroine won't stop talking about everything, about her parents, the kingdom, her new life as a noble, when she was a commoner and stuff, oh typical foolish heroine.....but....I gotta say, her endless chattering sounds....pleasant, I mean I stayed quiet and only answering if it's necessary but having company isn't as bad as I thought.

"Here it is lady ellie" stopping infront of the cafe, I opened the door for her before entering.

" Let's take a seat, sera" sera? I shrugged my shoulder, I just hope that none of the capture targets will kill me out of jealousy.

A waitress came to us to get our orders, I just got a simple coffee and a plain pancakes, I didn't know what the heroine ordered since I don't care.

"I heard that your the princes new escort knight, is it true?" She asked, I nodded.

" Yes, My big brother--I mean his highness the sixth prince was adopted by his majesty" I explained.

" Why weren't you adopted seraphina?" She asked, the waitress arrived with pur order.

"I refused the offer, Being a princess isn't me" Before sipping my coffee little by little.

"eh? That's not true, sera is beautiful, kind, elegant and noble, your like the perfect princess!" She exclaimed, stars in her eyes, perfect ha. I'm perfect in being perfect.

I smirked at myself, this is a disaster, out of all the words you can use to describe me you choosen kind? I'm no kind at all.

"Nonsense, lady ellie is more beautiful and kind than me"

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