36: The Truth.

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"I'll call you if I need anything, Seraphina"

It was like this every time Seraphina gets assigned to the cold Sixth Prince, he would send her out to watch by the door of his study and rarely calls her in for anything, mostly it's just running errands or calling someone for him but other than that it was nothing.

Daichi Charlotte--Lucille otherwise known as the Sixth Prince, the adopted son of the Emperor, after the sudden attack that killed his Father and Stepmother--Seraphina's mother, The Emperor took him in and cared for him like he was his own, Daichi felt grateful to the support and carr the Emperor gave him but..... Even that couldn't fill the place---the dark hole in his heart that wasn't supposed to be there, but when  his father died the hole got more deeper, wider that it dragged him to an endless pit of his old memories.

He would always dream about the time where his mother and father were still together---the times before Sapphire Reese came to the mansion and shattered everything he hold dear in his heart.

His life was perfect, a loving mother and a caring father, he would run around the mansion and laugh with his parents, during the rare day offs that his father will get, their family of three will go on a picnic and just fooled around in their own little world.

But..... All of those were taken away from him, he was just 5 years old when an unknown lady walked in the mansion one day, a little girl who resembles the unknown lady followed behind her, he looked at her, it was obvious that she wasn't taken care properly based on her dirty rag like dress with many patch up work, her beautiful blue hair looked so rough and her face........was empty, stoic, expressionless, it was like she wasn't even there in her body.

His mother told him to wait in his room, all he remembered was a maid taking him up the stair as he watched the three adults along with the little girl entering his father's study, even though he was still young to understand anything, he did understood the fact that the night continued not the way it usually do, his father didn't tucked him in to bed that night like he always do, neither did his mother came in to tell him a story or sing him a song, that night was the first time he was sleepless, his eyes refusing to close because of what just happened, what's happening and thinking what's about to happen.

That was when everything started to go downhill, his parents didn't spend much time as they usually do, they would ignore each other and whenever he would ask about it to them, they would just say that everything is fine....but it wasn't.

The unfamiliar lady he saw that night along with the little girl, started to live in the mansion, he heard from the maids that they were his father's guest, at first he thought that his parents just had a little fight and would make up eventually, but things only worsened as day goes by.

'Divorce' the word that completely shattered his world, all he understood was that his mother kissed him on the forehead whispering words of her love to him and comfort, but all he thinks about is that the maids and butler were loading luggage into the carriage---her mother's luggage and carriage.

He never saw his mother again, she would occasionally sent letters about her life in the countryside, how the sea breeze calms her and how wonderful the view was, he would reply with the same amount of amuse and joy but eventually he grew tired of waiting and finally sent her a letter with all his sadness, questions, how the mansion became to... boring, dark and lonely ever since she left, how his father became more busier and would rarely go out of his study...and finally, about the truth that the lady living with them is his new....mother? But why? He asked, he doesn't want a new mother or a little sister, he wanted his old life back, the teardrop marks on the paper told all the story of his pain.....it was the last letter he ever send to her before she became dark and didn't replied to him, she didn't send any letter for the following years.

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