28: The Assassination Attempt.

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Something's wrong......I can tell.

It's peaceful today....TOO peaceful actually, that rarely happens in the castle because something is always up.

"You seem uneasy today" Karl Harlow pointed out, because it's the monthly meeting of the Emperor, The Prince's and the noble minister about the upcoming harvest festival, us knights were ordered to patrol around the castle.

"It's nothing... it's just that.... I've been getting a really bad feeling lately...and I can't seem to shake it off" I explained, my right hand gripping tighter unto my sword's hilt, scanning my eyes around the area like an eagle.

"Hm? That is strange..... Come to think of it... Don't you think today is a.... Little too quiet?" He said again, stopping in our tracks we looked around, not a maid, servant or knight in sight? We are in the Emperor's palace, there is always maids and other people around.

A big cloud covered the sun, making the sun light dim, as if on cue six figures covered in all black from toe to their neck, half of their face covered by a mask, each holding different weapons, they surrounded us, slowly moving in on us.

"Does that anwer you question" he joked, the two of us drawing our swords out, For a moment we only glanced at each other, not moving an inch, waiting for a moment to strike....then...

Our sword clashed, it was three against one, it was also obvious that they are keeping us here...keeping us here for what?.

"The Princes?!" I gasped upon realization, a metal whip was wrapped around my right hand keeping me in place as the other two were getting ready to kill me, throwing my sword to my left hand I blocked the upcoming attack, pulling my right hand in attempt to pull the whip handler toward me, yanking it with force I kneed his face, I kicked one toward the stomach while the remaining one manage to land an attack on me, His sharp axe made a small cut on my right shoulder blade, it's bleeding but nothing too serious.

My sword went through his body which then fell to the ground, karl also knocked out his three opponents, a bruise on the left side of his lips with a bleeding right cheek.

"You ok?" I asked, picking up my sword and putting it back to its sheath.

"Yeah, just small injuries, you?" He asked, I nodded my head, looking at my right shoulder, my blood seeping through my cloth.

"We must find the Princes before it's too late" he said, raising my eyebrows in confusion, what is he saying?, Three of those bastards can fight, while the other three big brain jerks have their own guards, I'm sure they will be fine.

"Look" he pointed toward one of the assassins, lifting the mask on the persons face revealing the mark on his lower right cheeks.

"A Lionel Kingdom assassin" I said upon recognizing the logo, it's the biggest Assassination group in the Lionel Kingdom---A neighboring Kingdom not far from here, what are they doing here---oh no!.

"Search the west and north wing, I'll look at the south and east, we must find them!" I ordered, before nodding toward each other for the last time we dashed with incredible speed, heading toward different direction.

There is a rule every Kingdom's royal family must follow, 'never raise your sword', if a royal family member whether it be the emperor, empress, prince, princess or even a concubine raise their sword toward a citizen of another Kingdom it means to be a declaration of war, they can raise their sword to their own kingdom's people but never to a guest from another Kingdom, this tule only applies to the royal family but us knights, servant and commoners can raise our weapon toward any kingdom.

It's a trap!!, these Lionel Assassins are Lionel Kingdom Citizen, if one of the Prince raise their sword or even kill any of the assassin, it will be a declaration of war, nothing could be done after that, Valeria Kingdom must(my Kingdom) prepare for war against Lionel.

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