Chapter 15~ Stupid Boys

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A/N: I'm back, yay!! Thank you all for being super patient, I really appreciate it! I actually wrote this chapter in one day. I think that's a new record. Anways enjoy the chapter, I will update when it reaches 60 reads, 3 votes, and one nice comment. Please, please, please and thank you. I love you all <3


As we stood in the humungous line for the carnival, people (teenage boys mostly) continuously gave Anny appreciative looks that bordered on perverted. This, obviously, was royally pissing off Oliver. He stood erect and used his height to his advantage. He was absolutely scary at six foot three and the glare on his face along with his folded arms was not helping.

Anny was oblivious to the whole thing. Her attention was fixed on the sparkling reflection of the carnival lights on the water. The dreamy look on her face made her look especially ethereal. She was in her own little la-la land of lights and color and the childlike quality of her was beautiful.

The teenage boys behind us were whispering and it worried me. Then the catcalls began. Oh this would NOT be good. They were up to something all right and that unnerved me greatly. I glanced behind me and saw them huddled in a group discussing plans. I hoped they realized that no matter what they did they were going to get beat up. Whether it was by Anny or Oliver I had no clue.

Suddenly I realized that Jeremy was no longer standing next to me. I searched around in a panic until I saw him sprawled on a metal, uncomfortable looking bench. His eyes were shut and I could the slow rise and fall of his chest. He was sleeping. How Jeremy like. He did not seem like the person to wait in lines. He was probably the sneak in type.

I was pondering that thought when I heard the familiar combination of the crack of a nose being broken and the thump of a family jewels area being kicked.

"THAT WILL TEACH YOU TO TOUCH MY ASS!" Anny screamed in irritation and embarrassment. I looked in that direction and saw one of the teenage boys kneeling on the cement while clutching his crotch; his face was twisted in agony and his nose looked suspiciously crooked. Oliver was shell shocked to put it bluntly. He fingered his nose lightly, his mouth gaped open like a fish and his eyes were wide.

"Uh, uh, yea don't touch my girl!" he said unsurely. Anny smiled up him angelically and snuggled into his side.

"Oh stop being a baby, I'm not going to hurt you. I only hurt twats like him," Anny told him, jerking her thumb at the poor boy that had the terrible luck to lust after her. That broke Oliver's shocked state and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that, I could totally take you down," Oliver chuckled. She didn't even try to argue because she knew he was lying. For her size, she was a frightening beast of a fighter. She had taken taekwondo the year before and even knew how to use nunchucks. Plus, she participates in boxing. Oliver may be huge, but I suspected he was the lover not a fighter kind of guy.

"Mhhm, sure. Now move up, we are next in line! I want my tickets!" Anny screeched. She dragged him along the now deserted area in front of us. He grinned at her in adoration. Aww, they are adorable.

Jeremy continued to obliviously sleep on the bench. If only I had cold water or an air-horn. But alas, I would have to wake him up politely much to my disappoint.

As we walked around and stared at all the rides in awe, Anny became increasingly annoyed at her high heels. They may have matched her dress, but as she put it 'they were even the devil's hindrance'.

"Why is it that every time we have to do some walking you just so happen to wear heels?" Jeremy asked grumpily after she complained for the umpteenth time. Anny sighed dramatically.

"Becaaause Dear Jeremy, I have a duty to mankind and that duty is to look fantastic; which I do. Right Oliver?" She replied before glaring at Oliver to make sure he agreed wholeheartedly. He nodded exuberantly so she grinned. This caused Jeremy to roll his eyes and whisper that Oliver was quote unquote "whipped". I had to stifle a giggle as Oliver punched him lightly on the arm.

"Is she being serious?" Jeremy questioned me quietly.

"Absolutely not. Anny is many things, but definitely not stuck up and full of her self. She just likes to irritate you," I told him, grinning. Jeremy shook his head.

"So annoying," he groaned. If there had been a wall to bang his head against, he would have banged his head repeatedly.

Anny eventually took her shoes off and borrowed Jeremy's dress jacket (she was cold) so she was able to finally enjoy herself. She went on the Ferris wheel multiple times even though Oliver was too afraid of heights to go with her. She went on all the fast rides, the rides that went upside down, and even the rides made me want to vomit. She was having a blast and I was so happy. She needed this happiness. Especially after I went and abandoned her a couple of weeks ago. I mean, I hadn't even told her where I went. What kind of friend was I for doing that to her? A terrible friend, that's what kind.

It began to get dark which was our cue to leave. We were having a movie night where this time Jeremy insisted he gets to choose the movie. We trudged through the lit up carnival trying desperately to find the way back to the exit. The only problem is we were all too tired to think so we were all hopelessly lost. I'm sure everyone knows that things go terribly wrong when you are lost. So obviously, that's when Tanner showed up.

"Delilah," I heard Jeremy squeak. So that extremely hot blonde next to him is his sister. Fantastic.

"Oh my lanta," I screeched before starting to run away like the scaredy-cat I was. Anny, being the tough one she was, grabbed me by the collar of shirt and reeling me back. There was terrifying look on her face and the growl that came out of her mouth was as scary as a lion's roar.

Tanner was smirking that a Cheshire cat and it was extremely creepy while Delilah just looked bored.

"So look who it is. Little Miss Spill Drinks and Mr. Whiny Pants," Tanner spoke. I grimaced. Why does he have to be so clever?

"You hurt my man and my best friend's man," Anny ground out towards Delilah and poked her in the chest. "But you," she sauntered to Tanner. "You hurt my best friend. That warrants me to beat you to a pulp."

Tanner had the audacity to laugh. I was not going to miss him when he perished by the hands of Anny.

"I doubt you, little fatty, could do anything to me. You are weak and dumb," he replied. Anny wasn't fazed at all by what he said. Anybody could tell she was way more fit than a normal girl. She was a little big boned, but not even close to fat. Oliver was seething at Tanner's words though.

"How dare you!" Oliver yelled. "You must have no decency!" A girlish cackle rang out.

"Oliver, stop being a fool. Come back to me and leave this ugly bitch to rot," Delilah giggled in what she thought was flirtatious way. To me, she only looked fake.

Anny punched her.

"You're just lucky you aren't a guy," she muttered.

"You just hit my sister!" Tanner yelled.

"She just hit on my boyfriend," Anny deadpanned.

"I'm your boyfriend?" Oliver questioned in delight.

"This isn't the time, but duh!" She replied. Oliver grinned. Delilah was crying as she held her cheek. Lucky for her, Anny didn't go for her nose. Tanner examined his sister's face and scowled in Anny's direction. Anny had left a huge purple, swollen blob on Delilah's cheek. Anny snarled at him. He grabbed Delilah's freehand and stalked off.


"This isn't over!" He threatened as he walked away. Oh, but I knew it was.

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