Chapter Nine~ Finding Friends and Confessions

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update and sorry for the extremely short chapter. Please vote and comment :) 


“I can’t believe you had the guts to do that!” Jeremy yelled gleefully.

            Yea I’m still in shock I replied as we walked down the street.

            “Hey, while we’re out here can we go to the store? My mom wants me to pick up some stuff today,” he thought out loud. I nodded knowing I had to go to the store as well.

            As we headed back outside, I looked around the store. I had never been to that particular one and its tininess perplexed me. My mom usually took me to huge places like Meijer or Wal-Mart.

            “Mason,” Jeremy whispered and leaned close to me. “There is a weird girl watching you.” I looked to where his pointed gaze was and my jaw dropped. The girl had brown hair with teal and bright red streaks. I knew that face anywhere.

            “MASON!!!” the shrill voice of my best friend shrieked as she finally recognized me. Anny agilely ran over to me and proceeded to squeeze the life out of me. Jeremy shuffled his feet awkwardly while he tried to figure out what to do. That caught Anny’s attention so she stopped hugging me and raised an eyebrow.

            “Now who is this? Is he your new boy toy?” she asked smirking at me. I wanted to protest, but she continued talking. “Don’t act like you aren’t gay, I could smell your rainbowness from a mile away.” I hung my head down in shame. I didn’t know what to do I couldn’t talk to her and she didn’t know sign language…

            “Why don’t you just talk?” Jeremy asked. I shook my head.

            “What do you mean? Why isn’t he talking?” Anny asked panicking.

            “He just won’t,” he replied. Anny’s eyes turned to slits.

            “What did you do to him!?” she yelled at him. She pulled up her sleeves and got ready to punch.

            “I didn’t do anything I swear!” he pleaded. There was fear in eyes and I knew he was worried she would actually hit him. She looked at me and I nodded frantically to let her know that Jeremy was not a threat. She relaxed.

            “Do you know what happened to him then?” Anny asked.

            “No, he wouldn’t tell me,” Jeremy told her sorrowfully. Anny turned to me and gave me a soothing hug.

            “What happened to you Mason? I see bags under your eyes and you won’t speak a word, not even to me. It must have been bad,” Anny said hoarsely. I nodded.

            “Guys, let’s get out of the store and go home before my milk spoils,” Jeremy suggested.

            “Can I go with you?” Anny asked batting her eyes for effect.

            “Ugh fine, but don’t be annoying,” he said in defeat. I was starting to get the feeling he didn’t like my best friend.

            “I am so not annoying you dweeb!” she shouted and was about to kick him before I stopped her. She huffed and crossed her arms causing me to laugh.

            We dropped Jeremy’s groceries at his apartment before going to mine.

            “You have an apartment now? Sheesh you don’t talk to someone in a week and everything changes,” Anny complained. I felt so bad. I never thought about how this would affect her.

            Jeremy can you translate something for me? I asked him. He rolled his eyes and shrugged.

            “Wait what’s he saying, what’s going on?” Anny questioned. Again I felt bad for her confusion. I felt completely responsible.

            I am sorry for not telling you my problems as they came. You are my best friend, I should tell you everything. Everything has changed and I need you to know what happened. I said all of this with Jeremy translating. Anny tried to speak, but I silenced her with a wave of my hand. I needed to get this out before I started crying.

You were right earlier about me being gay. I do not want to be, but I am. The reason for me being in this apartment, so far away from home is very sad. My mother, though she wishes me not to call her that, kicked me out of the house and threw glasses at me. Now I will never get to know my unborn baby sister and I will be forever by myself. I will never be able to see my family again. One stupid word messed everything up. I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer. 

            “Aw Mason, that’s terrible! How could your mother do such a messed up thing? No mother should treat their child so horribly for being who they are? Kick a child out of their home?! Pish-posh,” Anny ran to me and hugged me tight and I could feel her tears running down my back.

            “I’m so sorry Mason,” Jeremy said with a saddened look. He came around and hugged me from behind because Anny was hugging my front. We stayed like that for a long time.

            “Alright I am staying the night and we are having a movie night,” Anny demanded after we all recovered from my sorrowful confession.

            “Since when do you call the shots?” Jeremy shot back putting his hands on his hips.

            “Since the first day of kindergarten when I went up to Mason and forced him to be my friend!” Anny replied. They continued to argue like that while I sat down on the couch with some popcorn.

            “….We are going to watch Scary Movie 5 and that’s final!” Anny stated crossing her arms over her chest. Jeremy face palmed dramatically and sighed.

            “Fine,” he said. He was finally giving up.

            “About time you agreed with me,” Anny cheered while grinning with victory.

            “Oh by the way Oliver is coming over, I invited him,” Jeremy said out of the blue.

            How come you didn’t tell me? Ugh fine I replied right as someone knocked on the door.

            “Come in!” Jeremy yelled.

            “Hey everybody what’s goi- woh,” Oliver barged into the room and instantly locked eyes with Anny. “Who’s this?”

            “It’s Mason’s friend Anny,” Jeremy told him smirking.

            “H-hi,” Oliver said.

            “Hey,” Anny replied batting her eyes. “So will you be joining us for the movie” I could see her being as flirty as possible and Oliver was falling for every move she made.

            “I will definitely be watching it with you,” he replied.

            Will I have to deal with this all night? 

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