Chapter 10~ Annoyances

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A/N: sorry it took so long for me to update and I'm sooo sorry the chapter is so short :( hopefully you like it anyway

The movie continued to play, but no one was watching it. Anny and Oliver had proceeded to make out on the couch about a half hour ago and Jeremy seemed completely content with staring at my face instead of the t.v. screen. At first I'd been able to ignore him, but after a while I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

What? I asked finally getting annoyed. Jeremy didn't say anything, just blinked.

Would you stop?! He sighed and pouted at me.

"I can't help it you're just too cute!" Jeremy replied. He gave me a lopsided grin before tumbling to the floor.

What are you doing? I questioned him frustratedly. He motioned for me to get near him. I had the feeling I knew what he was doing, but I didn't care. If I was right I wanted him to do it.

"You don't even realize how extremely beautiful you are do you?" Jeremy whispered to me. He stared at me with his emerald green eyes and I swear I was seeing stars.

I'm not. I'm a disgrace I whispered back. He shook his head.

"For what? Liking guys? That's not disgraceful. If it is I am a huge mistake," he told me putting extra emphasis on the last sentence.

He was so close that I could smell him. It was intoxicating. How cliche is that? He leaned closer to me and his breath fanned across my face, giving me a chill. I leaned in just a little, getting swept up in the moment before a high-pitched voice ruined it.

"Jeremy," Anny whispered peaking over the couch.

"What?!" He asked back. Anny giggled.

"Kiss him already you twat!" She yelled. Oh my goodness how could she do that to me? Ugh how annoying. My face reddened extremely.

"Moment. Ruined." Jeremy sighed rubbing his face with his hand, annoyed. I got up, ran a hand through my hair and left the room feeling totally embarrassed. I was going to let him kiss me! What an idiot. I was probably just another stupid plaything that he was going to throw in the trash when he was done with it.

I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. Anny had given me a wake up call. My life was screwed up enough, I didn't need to get my heart broken.

"Mason, why'd you leave?" Jeremy asked worriedly, sitting on the bed next to me. I looked down at my shoes. I didn't know if I should tell him or not.

"Please tell me," he whispered almost looking hurt.

You were going to kiss me weren't you? Just like Anny said, I mumbled.

"Yes I was, what's wrong with that?" Jeremy questioned looking me in the eyes.

I just found out I was gay like a week ago. I'm not even sure I'm ready to kiss a guy. What would happen if I kissed you anyway? You're not the type of guy to stay with a person, you'll just throw me away I told him frustratedly.

He looked at me with sadness in his emerald eyes.

"Is that what you really think of me?" Jeremy asked quietly not able to look at me.

Well no, but Oxie told me about all the guys she's seen you with. I don't want to be heartbroken I muttered. I couldn't look at him. It was so silent that I thought he had left and my heart was pounding so hard it was going to explode. That's when I felt a hand reach over to hold one of mine.

"That was me before. I swear I've changed. I like you Mason. I like you a lot. Let me kiss you," he whispered heartbrokenly. I nodded. I was going to trust what he said. Hopefully I didn't regret it.

I felt his lips touch mine in a soft passionate way and instantly my eyes fluttered shut. His hands cupped the back of my neck and my arms latched around his waist. It was better than I ever could have imagined. Way better than any girl. Not that I would know anyway. I felt like I was flying.

Eventually Jeremy moved away and I felt an emptiness inside my stomach. I told myself it was just a kiss, but my heart told me that my brain was lying. For once I didn't ignore it.

"I really like you," I whispered. His eyes widened and I realized what I had done. I had spoken. I had actually talked. I covered my mouth and my eyes almost popped out of my head. I stood up and ran. I didn't stop, not even when he screamed for me to wait.


Jeremy's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Mason had talked. He had formed real words with his mouth and not his hands. "I really like you".... The words zinged around me head and they made me smile. Out of anything that he could have said he said that. Mason's voice was so beautiful. I guess you could almost say panty dropping beautiful. I had the sinking feeling though that he wasn't going to say anything else. The panic on his face when he ran away broke my heart. His mom is a horrible being for making his regret saying even four words.

I walked out of the bedroom and noticed that Mason wasn't out here either.

"What do you do to Mason? He ran out of here looking pretty freaked," Anny questioned me with suspicion in her voice.

"He spoke," I told her and her jaw dropped.

"What?! Usually when he sets his mind on something he sticks to it for a long time. Well you're lucky he slipped up because he has a lovely voice," Anny replied with a grin.

"Yes he does along with a lovely everything else," I said also grinning. Her grinned widened and mischief clouded her eyes.

"Oh yes. If I wasn't a lesbian I would have so tapped that," she told me blinking innocently.

"Wait you kissed me...You're a lesbian?" Oliver asked shocked. Anny laughed surprising both of us.

"Pssh no I'm just kidding," she replied laughing harder.

"You are an annoying girl," I said disgustedly.

"Thank you kind sir," she replied smirking. How does Mason put up with that?

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