Chapter Five~ The Club

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A/N: It took forever for me to update, sorry!! Well just wanted to let you know the cover is made by JustThatBoy! 


Jeremy’s P.O.V.

            Mason was taking so long. It was actually getting annoying. I needed to be at the club soon and Mason just HAD to take forever to get ready. I was about ready to leave without him when he emerged from the bathroom. My jaw dropped.

            Mason was wearing black skinny jeans and skin-hugging red shirt. He also had red high tops and sexy messy hair to top it off. Ooh, I knew this was going to be a good idea, Mason looked hot! Hehe, this was going to be so fun. 

            When we got to the club I had Mason sit at the front table so I could watch him while I sang. It was actually majorly adorable how uncomfortable he looked. His eyes were huge and puppy-dog like and he was biting his lip.

            I’m not sure it’s a good idea I’m here, Mason told me, as I was about to leave him.

            “It’s going to be fine you wuss, now stay here while I go sing,” I said smirking at him. He pouted. 

            What if someone sits by me? He asked.

            “You say hello,” I replied laughing and going on stage. There was a big crowd tonight. They all heard I was going to be singing, I guess. Not to sound conceited, but I am way more famous than Mason even realized.

            “Hello people of the crowd!!!” I yelled into the microphone. It wasn’t a big club, but the applause and screams of my fans was deafening. “Today I will be singing five One Direction songs for all you girls out there!” The screams were even worse than before. I glanced at Mason and I saw him giving me a weird look.

            One Direction?!! You are so weird! He signed. I smirked at him and then the music to “C’mon C’mon’ started. Mason shook his head.

After half an hour I left the stage to go find Mason. Sometime in the middle of my set he had left and I hadn’t noticed. I called out for him over and over, but I couldn’t find him. I was getting worried. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. It was stupid of me to bring him here. What if a drunkie attacked him??? What if he got kidnapped? What if…. What if….

“Watch where you’re going dude!” yelled a person as I rammed into their large body. I was about to yell back when I noticed it was Oliver.

            “Oliver, no need to yell dude! Have you seen a blonde haired boy named Mason anywhere?” I asked. Oliver smirked at me and gave me a bro hug.

            “Jeremy man I haven’t seen you in a while,” he said. “Yes I’ve seen a boy of your description, follow me,” he turned and made his way to the bar. Oh dear that isn’t good. I spotted Mason drunkenly talking to one of my gay friends, Tanner. Tanner was openly flirting with him and Mason was just as flirty. I stopped walking. Wait… what?! Does that mean Mason is gay? And wait again, how does Tanner know sign language??? That’s crazy. That leads me back to another question. Why does Mason use sign language anyway? He told me he wasn’t deaf so why doesn’t he just talk? The questions were stressing me out so I stopped thinking. I stepped closer trying to ease-drop on their conversation without being noticed.

            Hi Jeremy. Drat, he saw me. I stopped hiding and went up to the conversationalists.

            “Hey Jeremy, hey Tanner,” I said smiling at them. Tanner smirked up at me with a knowing look in his eyes.

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