Chapter Eight~ Drinks and a Broken Nose

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            “Please don’t go!!!” Jeremy whined for the millionth time. I appreciated the concern, but I was starting to get very annoyed.

            Stop whining at me like I’m your mother leaving you with a babysitter! I snapped at him. He pouted for a second before going back to his constant babbling.

            “You can’t do this, he will RUIN YOUR LIFE!” he yelled while shaking me. I glared at him. I was actually excited for this date and he was crushing my happiness.

            Would you just stop Drama Queen I signed at him before pushing him off me. He smirked at me.

            “Hey, that’s Mr. Drama Queen to you!” Jeremy said wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed before getting serious.

            Seriously, you can’t stop me from going on this date with Tanner I told him. He crossed him arms across his chest and sighed.

            “Well, I might as well make you look good so he sees what he is missing when you find out he’s a jerk and dump him,” he said biting his lip in concentration.

            Fine I answered. I made it seem like it didn’t really make a difference, but really, I was very excited.

            “Ok… so you have to completely change what you’re wearing,” he stated pulling at the bottom of my shirt. I looked down at my white t-shirt and ripped jeans.

            What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? I asked, offended. Jeremy chuckled.

            “I know what Tanner likes, and it’s not what you’re wearing. He likes the bad boy look. What you have right now is all innocence and it just won’t work,” he told me. I was confused. Jeremy saw my confused face and explained.

            “You see, that’s what intrigues him- breaking the hearts of bad boys- and what you were wearing at the club was as hot as bad boys get. That’s what’s weird about his fascination with you. Normally he would have left as soon as he noticed that you were as sweet as a kitten,” Jeremy said seriously. I looked at him with wide eyes and a pouty expression. He took a step back and narrowed his eyes at me.

            I am not a kitten! I signed with frustration. He laughed and shook his head.

“Yes you are. Anyways, I think he’s just trying to get back at me. Tanner thinks that by dating you he’s hurting me. He sees something that isn’t actually there. He thinks I have feelings for you,” Jeremy whispered.

            Okay, I had to say that that hurt. I tried to keep the crestfallen look off my face, but with every minute his words reverberated around my brain, it got harder. Though, if he saw it, he didn’t mention it.

            I looked over at Jeremy again and I could feel the anger rolling off him in waves. Whatever Tanner had done to him, it had been bad.

            Do I have to wear this? I questioned making my disgust as apparent as possible. Jeremy had put me in a black, skin-tight shirt that almost cut off my circulation, dark, holy jeans that hung low on my hips and red high tops.  To add to the effect he gelled my hair back in a messy fashion. He looked me up and down and then nodded.

            “Most definitely. You look perfect,” he replied. “Now stop being chicken, you’re going to be late.”

            When we got to the restaurant Tanner had picked out, I shuddered. I hated this place. Its waiters were sleazy, while the food was just plain gross. Maybe Jeremy was right and Tanner’s pick of restaurant was the show of his true character. Or maybe he had never been here before and didn’t have time to pick a new place.

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