Chapter Seven~ Chocolate

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A/N: My sister wanted me to write a chapter that had chocolate in it.... so I did!!!


Mason’s P.O.V.

            “…And I can’t believe that you would, of all things, tell me good morning!”  Jeremy yelled at me. I rubbed my temples and sighed. He’d been ranting for an hour about me telling him good morning when he walked into my apartment.

            What’s bothering you? I doubt what you’re saying is the real problem. That might have been the wrong thing to say because the look on his face was the most vicious one I’ve ever seen.

            “Oh? So now you’re saying I’m a liar?! How dare you!” Jeremy screamed. I looked at my watch and saw it was almost twelve.

            Don’t you have somewhere to be? Let’s say… a doctor’s appointment? I asked.

            “Are you trying to get rid off me?” Jeremy accused. His lips started to quiver and his eyes watered. Seriously? Is he secretly a girl? It’s like he was going through girl problems.

            Are you on your period? Do you need chocolate? I wondered aloud. He flopped down on my couch and brought his knees up to his chest.

            “Chocolate would be nice, thank you. Just no flowers or concert tickets, please,” he whispered, his voice wavering. I shook my head in disbelief.

            Fine, I’ll get you chocolate. It might take a while though because I have to go to the store and I have to walk.

            “No, don’t go that far. Just go get some from your refrigerator. I stashed some chocolate in there before you moved in,” he stated. I stopped in my tracks.

            There’s food… in my refrigerator?!  I signed. I was very upset with him for not telling me.

            “Well yea, I’ve put a lot in your cupboards and refrigerator. The other people moved out a long time ago and I used this apartment as a hangout because it was never locked,” Jeremy replied nonchalantly. I quickly looked through my refrigerator and cupboards to see that he was right.

            So I’ve been ordering food… for nothing! I signed angrily. Jeremy sighed.

            “You could’ve looked, you know,” he said pointedly. I blushed because I knew he had a valid point.

            Shut up I told him sheepishly.

            “Whatever,” Jeremy answered. Ugh, his mood was depressing me. I got out the chocolate from the refrigerator and gave it to him.

            You are depressing me. I told him sighing.

            “The better for me so I’m not all alone in my despair,” Jeremy answered monotonously. I sighed again.

            What is bothering you?  I asked. I was getting very frustrated with his pouty self and if he didn’t tell me this time I was kicking him out because I didn’t need his problems on top of my own.

            “Why do you think there’s something wrong with me? Can’t I have an off day?!” he yelled.  I shook my head.

            Why can’t you tell me? I asked. He stared at me coldly.

            “You wouldn’t understand,” Jeremy said meanly. That was that straw.

            Get out I signed exasperatedly. I could see in his eyes that those words hurt him, but I couldn’t take it back. He had put me through a lot today and now he was expecting me to forgive him and let him stay. He’d get over it I knew he would.

            “Fine! This isn’t the first time I’ve been unwanted anyway!!!!” he screamed and then stormed out. I sighed once more and gripped my hair in frustration. Who does he think he is coming in here and messing up my good mood? That’s when I noticed something in what he said- “this isn’t the first time I’ve been unwanted.” That had to be what he was upset about. Ugh I can’t believe I kicked him out. That was absolutely terrible of me.

            I ran out my apartment and knocked on Jeremy’s door; Jeremy’s little sister answered.

            Can I speak to Jeremy? I asked her impatiently.

            No, he ran out of here saying he would be back later Oxie answered. She peered at me with squinty eyes. He was quite upset and left me alone. What did you do to him? I bit my lip.

            I didn’t do anything. He was upset about something else I explained. You can’t stay here alone, would you like to stay with me until he gets back?  She looked hesitant for a second before nodding.

            Carry me! Oxie pleaded before putting her hands up to me. I carried her back to my apartment and laid her on the bed as she yawned.

            You need a nap sweetie I told her. She shook her head slowly, her sunset hair rippling in the sun from the window.

            I don’t want to… Oxie started to say, but she fell asleep. As I watched her I couldn’t help but wonder what had Jeremy so upset that he would leave his favorite person in the world all alone.

            “Hey Mason, open up!!!!” I heard Jeremy slur from outside as he banged on the door. I was almost afraid to open the door because I couldn’t tell if he was still upset or not.  I finally decided that either way he would become even more upset if I didn’t let him in.

            What do you want? I questioned. Jeremy swayed as he tried to find an answer.

            “I… don’t know because I don’t know you,” he answered drunkenly. “Hmm you’re cute though.” I blushed at that. I pulled him in carefully and placed him on the couch. I felt bad him, I knew what it was like to be hopelessly drunk.

            Are you… still upset? I asked. I knew he didn’t remember anything, but his sadness might still be there.

            “Uh…. Yes… don’t… go… on… that date….” Jeremy said unsurely. My date with Tanner! I almost forgot about that! How did he remember that in his state?

            What date? I wanted to know how much he remembered. He looked confused.

            “I don’t know… I just don’t feel right about it…” he whispered. That confused me.

            Why? Jeremy looked unsurely at my hands almost like he didn’t understand what I had said.

            “… Because I…” he started before he fell into a drunken unconsciousness.

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