Chapter Four~ Downtown Girl

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A/N: This chapter was inspired by the song Downtown Girl by Hot Chelle Rae. I absolutely love that song and I was listening to it and this chapter was born :)  The new cover is made by JustThatBoy. Enjoy :D


A shockwave of pain rushed through my arm as I began to regain consciousness. I opened my eyes and almost yelled out. I sat up and rubbed my arm before signing at the little girl sitting on my bed smirking.

            Oxie, it is not nice to pinch people. Oxie grinned at me.

            It is when you pinch a sleeping person that needs to get up, she responded. I couldn’t help but laugh at her silly logic.

            Now where did you learn that? I asked. Oxie giggled.

            My brother. Figures. I got out of bed and stretched.

            What should we do today? I asked Oxie as she danced on my bed. She looked at me and I swear her green eyes were sparkling.  She stopped dancing and jumped at me. I barely caught her.

            Music video she signed. That actually sounds like fun. I carried her into my living room and stopped short. Jeremy was passed out on the floor. I carefully put Oxie on the ground and went over to Jeremy. I couldn’t tell if he was just sleeping or hung over so I kicked him.

            “OUCH!!!!!” he yelled and jumped up holding his stomach. “Why would you kick me, you buffoon?!?!” I sniggered.

            You were sleeping on my floor. I had to make sure you were still alive I answered. Jeremy frowned.

            “How rude,” he grumbled to himself.

            Drama Queen.

            “Oh, I saw that you insufferable child,” Jeremy yelled at me. He was smirking and no longer holding his stomach. Uh oh, his facial expression meant trouble. I backed up and he stepped towards me making up the distance. I kept backing up and he kept walking towards me until I backed up into the wall. His smirk became bigger and his eyes held a strange glow. He kept walking up to me until our noses were almost touching. Oh dear. I visibly gulped and he chuckled quietly. His black hair was reasonably messy from sleeping on the floor and it was incredibly sexy. He was pale and his lips looked incredibly inviting. Why did he have to do this so early in the morning? I again was only wearing boxers and no shirt. I turned my head so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

            “Why so shy buttercup?” Jeremy asked, his breath tickling my ear. I shuddered causing him to chuckle. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Oxie with a mad face coming over here. I grinned. Yes! Oxie will save me! That’s when pain struck me in the leg and I fell over.

            Oxie! Don’t kick Mason! That’s not your job it’s mine!!! Jeremy scolded Oxie. She smiled.

            Music video time now she signed. Jeremy gave her a confused look.

            She asked to make a music video so I’m helping her I explained to him. Do you want to help? He contemplated for a second before agreeing. Oxie clapped her hands and marched out my apartment. Minutes later she marched back in wearing small black stilettos that she had no trouble walking in, a cute black sparkly dress with a huge matching bow in her hair, and red lipstick put on perfectly. I gaped.

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