1.1 - Stormy Weather

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3rd Person POV:

"Welcome to the final of our Kidz Plus competition, where today, we will be announcing it he lucky winner to be our new Kidz Plus weather girl!"

A beautiful blonde and blue-eyed girl steps out of a limousine, shielding herself from the sun with her parasol. She walked across the red carpet into the studio, making sure to smile and blow kisses to the audience as she did so.

The producer continues his monologue to both the live audience and to the viewers at home. "We started off with 5,000 contestants and with the help of our audience at home, we've whittled our talent down to these two amazing young ladies!"

"So let's welcome out fantastic finalists! To my right, we have Aurore Beauréal! And on my left, Mireille Caquet! Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now!"


"Come on Manon, give that back!"

A midnight blue-haired girl runs around her living room chasing a little girl who stole her hat. The other girl who had (h/c) hair sat and watched in amusement, no longer able to pay attention to the television from the noise.

"I want to be a fashion designer too!" The little girl, now known as Manon, jumps onto couch and quickly hugged the now giggling girl who sat nearby.

As soon as Manon was on the couch, she jumped away when the blue-haired girl dived for her.

"Give it back, please! It's not finished, you'll ruin it!" The girl pleads, her work very precious to her.

After multiple attempts to catch her, she eventually stops and groans in frustration.

"Why did I agree to do this again?" She whines, sinking next to the girl on the couch.

"Because you're a very sweet soul Marinette. A very sweet soul that doesn't know how to say 'no.'" The girl on the couch smirks at her whiny and frustrated friend.

The doorbell rings interrupting Marinette from her grumbling at how true her friend's words were.

When she opened the door, the duo happily welcome the guest in.

"Alya?" Marinette questions.

"Hey Marinette! And (Y/N), thanks for meeting us here!" Alya waves.

Alya had texted (Y/N) earlier about meeting her at Marinette's. (Y/N) way earlier than Alya because Marinette had already complained to her about the demon of a child she had to babysit.

"No problem!" (Y/N) smiles. "So, what's with the happy look on your face?"

"I've got a huge scoop." The ombré-haired girl replied. "Guess who's at a photo-shoot in the park?"

Alya shoves her phone in the girls faces, showing a quick snapshot of Marinette's favorite golden boy.

Marinette quickly snatches the phone and quickly sends the photo to her own phone, unnoticed by Alya, but definitely noticed by

"Now? Adrien is in the park right now!?" Marinette practically jumps in place.

"As we speak." Alya confirms, sending Marinette into a frenzy.

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