1.17 - Antibug

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3rd Person POV:

"This is rubbish!" Chloe whines, throwing thousands of dollars worth of shoes and clothes out of her closet in distaste. "Ugh, I don't have anything to wear!"

"This one is way to pink.... Those are so last season....those ones didn't cost nearly enough and these are never in season! I hate all of these!" Chloe picks apart everything in her closet as she tries to dress herself for school.

She stops in her tracks when she hears something break.

Chloe looks around her suite in confusion before growing pale at the sight of one of her many lotion bottles rising in the air and getting thrown at her. She couldn't do anything but watch as her room gets torn apart by an invisible force.


Everyone couldn't help but notice how a usually prim and proper Chloe looked like a walking zombie in class. She was silent and kept accidentally falling asleep before jolting awake. Something completely unlike her.

"She's a total wreck." Alya whispers to Marinette and (Y/N).

"Maybe she misses her BFF?" Marinette questions.

"Sabrina has been gone since yesterday, and she hasn't been answering my texts, which is really unlike her." (Y/N) points out.

Ms. Mendelieve shushes the girls before turning to Chloe as she lets out or shriek of pain.

"What is it, Chloe?" She asks.

"Someone pulled my hair!" Chloe, rubs her head.

Ms. Mendelieve turns to Mylené who was sitting right behind Chloe, making her immediately deny the claim.

"It wasn't me, Ms. M!" Mylené holds her hands up in surrender.

"It wasn't her! It's some.. invisible, mystical being!" Chloe says. "Like a leprechaun or a unicorn without the horn!"

The class begins to laugh at Chloe's words, because invisible leprechauns and unicorns in their crazy world simply did not exist.

No one notices that Chloe's bag begins to lift on her own and she grabs it, telling the teacher that it's happening again before her bag lifts and begins to hit her. To everyone's eyes, it made it look like she was doing it to herself, however to two people, a red flag immediately went off in their minds.

Chloe rushes out of the room in fear before everything settles down. The three miraculous holders needing to leave immediately.

"Ma'am, I need to use the restroom!" Adrien asks, exiting the classroom. "Thank you!"

"We need to go too!" (Y/N) smiles awkwardly, pointing to herself and a confused Marinette.

Marinette and (Y/N) head into the bathroom to see that horrible doodles of what looked like Chloe was drawn on the bathroom stalls.

"Someone really has it out for Chloe." Tikki says, popping out of Marinette's bag.

"The hard part is finding out who doesn't." Marinette rolls her eyes.

Before anything else could be said, both girls phones ring simultaneously, dozens of embarrassing photos of Chloe being sent to them.

"Talk about karma." (Y/N) cringes, deleting the embarrassing photos.

"Something stranger is going on here." Marinette frowns. "Time to transform!"

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