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3rd Person POV:

"Thanks to the generosity of Mr. Bourgeois, we were able to have our work experience day field trip at the Grand Paris Luxury Hotel. Each of you will get hands on experience with one of the many jobs here at the hotel. You'll be graded on your effort which will affect whether you pass or fail the class." Mrs. Bustier explains and assigns everyone to the specific tasks, except three.

"Do you have Marinette, Alya, and (Y/N), on your list?" Mrs. Bustier asks the mayor in confusion.

"Doesn't look like it." André answers, just as confused as Mrs. Bustier.

"I bet I know who helped daddy make the assignments." Alya whispers to the girls beside her a she points her thumb to Chloe who was snuggling up to a seemingly uncomfortable Adrien.

"Of course she gets to spend an entire day with Adrien." Marinette jealously glares at Chloe. "Ugh.. this is going to be the worst day ever."

"Daddy!" Chloe calls out, waving a piece of paper at him.

André collects the paper and brightens up that the remaining girls now have a job. "Ah yes, Alya, you'll be sorting trash at the main dumpster.. and Marinette and (Y/N) who will be..."

The mayor was interrupted as the doors slam open. Jagged Stone walks into the building with major beams of light surrounding him and a crocodile at his side, fitting for the rockstar he is.

"Excuse me, but this is a luxury hotel, not a zoo." André speaks harshly to the man.

"Daddy? That's Jagged Stone, the rock star!" Chloe reminds her father. "He's sold millions of albums, and he's very famous and very rich."

André smirks before smiling happily taking on a sweeter tone, "Mr. Stone, welcome to the Grand Paris Hotel! I am mayor Bourgeois, owner of this luxury establishment. The most luxurious in all of Paris. How might we serve you?"

"How'd you think?" Jagged rudely replies already seeing through the man's false facade, his harsh British accent shining through.

"I mean he didn't come here to admire the lobby," (Y/N) sarcastically says to the girls beside her, gesturing to the heavy load of luggage Kim was pushing through the doors.

"Jagged wants to check into your most luxurious suite." Penny, his personal assistant, translates for Jagged.

"And Fang better get a real bathtub, not a tiny water hole like the hotel across the street." Jagged sternly says.

"We have everything you need Ms. Fang, even a state-of-the-art fitness center." Looking Penny directly in her eyes.

"Fang is me crocodile." Jagged raises an eyebrow at André.

"Mr. Stone, we have all you require for your.. Fang. Would he.. enjoy a bubble bath?" André tries to persuade.

"Crocodiles don't like bubble paths, it dries their scales out." Jagged sneers at the man.

As all this commotion was going on, no one noticed a man sneak into the hotel with a camera, silently snapping pictures of the rockstar. Fang started panting and began to stalk toward the man hiding himself. He growled scaring the man out of his hiding spot and jumping out into the open.

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