1.10 - Dark Cupid

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3rd Person POV:

"In most fairytales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?"

Mrs. Bustier taught her class about the art of true love's kiss, as today was a very special day: Valentine's Day.

"Because only true love can conquer hate!" Rose gushes.


"Technically speaking, this is only true in 87% of all fairytale cases." Max deduces.

As this was going, Marinette nosily tries to peak over Adrien's shoulder as he seems invested in writing something rather than paying attention in class. (Y/N) grew curious as well but didn't snoop as she respected her friend's privacy.

"Adrien, I hope what you're writing has something to do with my lesson." Mrs. Bustier turns to Adrien. "Can you tell me what I just said?"

"That's why in most fairytales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate." Adrien explains, not even looking up from his writing, his tone almost frustrated.

"Very good, Adrien!" Mrs. Bustier praises as the bell rings. "Now everyone, don't forget to finish reading Sleeping Beauty, Happy Valentine's Day!"

Everyone began to leave but Marinette pulled (Y/N) down before fully standing up.

"Go ahead, we'll meet you outside." Marinette whispers to Alya.

Alya smiles, nods, and leaves the classroom. (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at Marinette, but she only points at Adrien (who seemed to be growing more frustrated) as he struggles to write. Eventually, the boy growls and balls up the paper, throwing it away and leaves (almost stomping out of) the classroom.

Marinette giggles as she pulls (Y/N) to the trash can, immediately searching for the paper Adrien threw away.

"This is a new low Marinette, even for you." (Y/N) cringes. "Seriously, that's nasty, get up."

Marinette doesn't comment, and continues searching.

"Well, well, if it isn't Marinette, looking for something to eat?" Chloe smirks, loving the fact that she found Marinette digging through a trash can.

"Maybe she's looking for some better clothes." Sabrina comments, following in Chloe's teasing footsteps.

"I suggest you run along peasant." (Y/N) sneers, feeling free to talk down to the rich girl because Chloe now knows that (Y/N) is far richer than she could ever be.

Chloe and Sabrina immediately run off.

"Don't give those two the time of day, they don't deserve it." Tikki pops out of Marinette's bag when the coast was clear.

"Besides, even if you were hungry or needed new clothes, you have a walking bank at your disposal." Feu comments, pointing at (Y/N).

"You know what you little -" (Y/N) begins.

"- ANYWAY, what's that you've got?" Feu flies over to the crumbled up paper Marinette had. "Read what it says!"

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