1.16 - Animan

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3rd Person POV:

A sassy Adrien and his two idiot friends?

For the first part, Adrien and (Y/N) kind of swapped personalities, idk why. Must've been around each other for too long.

No I'm serious, Adrien's a literal menace for the first half.

More (Y/N)Chat?


"Leo, your hearts gonna roar. Wow, roar." Marinette giggles, once again reading one of Adrien's many magazines made about him.
(Y/N) and Alya giggle alongside her, the three blissfully unaware of the eyes lingering on a certain bluenette.

"FYI, Marinette's never gonna fall in love with a statue." Adrien pops up behind Nino.

Nino freaks out when he sees (Y/N) make eye contact with him before dragging Adrien back around the corner.

"Shhhhh! You know (Y/N) has super-ultra- mega-sonic hearing! She looked dead at me!" Nino slaps a hand over Adrien's mouth, the blonde looking at his friend in confusion.

"My hearing is quite good, isn't it?" (Y/N) says from behind Nino making him let out a girlish shriek. "You know it's rude to spy on people." (Y/N) smirks.

"You two know I'm no good with the ladies." Nino comes clean, figuring (Y/N) already knows about his little crush considering how intuitive she is. "Especially this one all of the sudden! I mean, do I go up to her and crack a joke? Shoot her a compliment? Invite her to the zoo? Play it serious?"

"Yikes, you're struggling." (Y/N) mumbles to herself, scratching her forehead.

Adrien lightly elbows her side to be nice, before turning to Nino, "You're overthinking this. Invite her to the Zoo? Seriously?"

"There's a new panther exhibit there," Nino shyly states.

"Listen, just be yourself man!" Adrien smiles, wrapping an arm around Nino.

"Easy for you to say 'Mr. Front-of-the-Cover-Teen-Model weekly.' I'm not that cool!" Nino jokingly pushes him off.

"You're cool too dude! Trust me." (Y/N) says, a small smile crossing her face.

"Or you wouldn't be my best bud." Adrien adds, pointing a finger up in the air for emphasis. "Invite her to the Zoo, she'll say yes. I promise."

Nino puffs his chest up with the reassurance he got from his friends, before straightening his hat and beginning to walk towards the stairs that held Marinette and Alya.

"So he's going for Alya, huh? I never would've guessed." (Y/N) says to Adrien, watching as Nino walked to the girls.

"Alya?" Adrien asks confused, "No! He likes Marinette."

(Y/N)'s jaw drops as she turns to Adrien. "What?!"

"Yeah. Nino has a crush on Marinette." Adrien shrugs like it was no big deal.

"Oh no." (Y/N) pales. "What did I do?" She facepalms.

Why did she decide to get into the boys' business. This is why she needs to mind her own business. Nino can't like Marinette! Marinette likes-

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