1.26 - Origins: Part Two

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3rd Person POV:

"The Stone brings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being they're showing no signs of movement. Police have blocked off the area."

The camera switches from Nadia to the Mayor.

"We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back their normal selves. But for now, we're not making much head way."

The camera switches back to Nadia.

"Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix to save us all. Our lives depend on them."

Marinette watched guiltily, not knowing that so much lied on her shoulders now.

"Hey, I know how upsetting and scary this is, but don't worry, sweetie. We've got three superheroes looking out for Paris, and the best way of helping them is to show them that we're not scared. Because we trust them." Tom comforts his daughter, thinking her sigh was caused from fear.

"But what if Ladybug fails?" Marinette sadly asks.

"Then I'd come and save you. Super-Baker to the rescue!" Tom pretended to use bread as a weapon as he fought an imaginary villain which makes Marinette feel better.

"Thanks, super-dad!" Marinette giggles as she gives him a hug and kisses cheek before running upstairs to her room to grab her things for school.

She grabs her bag and stared at the drawer that held the box with the earrings inside. She opens it and takes out the box, making up her mind and stuff it into her bag.


"What's he doing?" Natalie asks herself when Adrien was late to the table for his learning session when he's normally on time.

She checks him room and grows nervous when he was no longer there. She goes straight to Gabriel and informs him.

"You didn't see him leave?" Gabriel harshly asks. "If anything happens to my son, you'll be held responsible!"


Adrien runs through the park as fast as he could to get to the school building.

"You're a strange kid. Who would want to be at school when you can stay at home all day?" Plagg asks confused.

"You don't get it, Plagg. I've had enough of being shut up at home by my dad! I want to meet people and make friends, and go to a normal school like everyone else." Adrien explains as he runs.

"Ugh.. I feel faint.." Plagg whines, tiring himself from flying fast to meet Adrien's pace so he could talk to him face to face.

"You know what's strange? The fact that all you eat is this disgusting, rotten, smelling Camembert cheese, and then I have to smell like it 24/7, that's strange." Adrien rants as he gives Plagg a piece of cheese who immediately eats it in one bite.

"If you wanna be able to transform into a superhero, then stinky cheese is the deal my friend." Plagg shrugs.

Adrien shakes his head annoyed, and opens his flannel and allows the kwami to rest inside. He continues sprinting to the school, spraying on some cologne to hide the fact that he just touched cheese.

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