1.8 - RogerCop

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3rd Person POV:

"My day begins at four a.m. every morning because the bakery opens at seven. You'd think that the life of a Baker is routine - making the same pastries, rolls, cakes - but it's actually different everyday. One day someone might order an Eiffel Tower cake or another day...."
Tom, Marinette's father rambles on about his job at running his bakery.

Today was Parent's Career Day where the students get to show off their parents' skills in their departments. The parents come on and explain what it is they do and attempt to persuade students into potentially finding in interest in what they do.

(Y/N)'s attention is pulled away from Tom as she watches as Adrien walks back into the room, a crestfallen look on his face. He told Nino and herself that he was once again going to call his dad, the poor boy really wanting him to show up.

Nino places a hand on his shoulder as a silent question but Adrien simply shakes his head no. He turns in (Y/N)'s direction with sad eyes and takes her hand, placing it in his hair, signaling he wanted her to run her fingers through his hair which she quickly complied to. (Y/N) watches as some of the tension leaves Adrien's face but not all of it.

"I understand." She whispers to him, quickly moving away as she noticed Marinette coming their way.

(Y/N)'s father never answers his phone as he was always busy (only picking up when she FaceTimes him as that's their little code for an emergency) and her mother was someone she just knew not to call as she already knew her response was going to be no. So (Y/N) truly did understand how Adrien felt.

"Marinette will pass out some freshly baked croissants I baked this morning!" Tom smiles as everyone started to cheer for free food.

As Alya's mom began to go up after Tom, everyone watched as Chloe brought out some sort of expensive jewelry.

"Put that away Chloe, it could get into the wrong hands!" The mayor scolds.

Chloe complies and puts it away and begins to make fun of Marinette's father's baking.

"I wonder how many croissants your father will have to sell to buy you one of these!" Chloe brags, pointing toward her very expensive bracelet. Oh who am I kidding, he'll probably have to sell the whole store!"

"Well if you're so rich, then you don't need free croissants." Marinette glares, before taking Chloe's croissant away and heading toward the next person.

'Atta' girl, Marinette!' (Y/N) thinks to herself.

"Jealous." Chloe scoffs.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes as she thanks Marinette for giving her two croissants, Chloe's one and one of her own. She noticed how happy Adrien looked as he received food, so she handed her extra one over to him. He begins to smile even wider as he spots the croissant, making (Y/N) smile because she got him to.

(Y/N) swore she saw a flash of black heading to Chloe's bag but paid it no mind as she payed attention to Alya's mother who was a chef.

Next thing everyone hears is a shriek from Marinette as she falls to the ground, covered in croissants. She begins to laugh at herself which made the rest of the class follow suit. (Y/N) passes it off as Marinette's normal clumsiness, not seeing the black figure zoom by again and going into Adrien's bag.

"Geez is there ever a time where you're not tripping over something?" Chloe sneers, ruining the class's laughter.

Marinette groans at Chloe, quickly picking up the dropped croissants and sitting down in her seat with Alya and (Y/N) (Alya had came back to sit down after her mother was done presenting).

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