1.12 - Darkblade

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3rd Person POV:

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix have saved Paris once again."

(Y/N) turns down Marinette's TV as the bluenette begins to speak. The (h/c)-haired girl once again having a sleepover at Marinette's.

"And yet again, Marinette hopes she has enough time to complete her magic box." The girl refers to herself in the third person.

"What's the box for?" Feu asks flying onto Marinette's head.

"It's for my diary, and my secrets." Marinette whispers aloud, as if she was telling them all a secret.

"Every little secret?" Tikki asks, "You're telling me that you write every little secret down in that book?!"

This catches (Y/N)'s attention.

"Yeah, something wrong?" Marinette asks.

"Well, number one, what if someone finds out you're Ladybug? Number two, what if someone finds out (Y/N) is Phoenix? And number three, what if someone finds out that you're Ladybug and (Y/N)'s Phoenix?!" Tikki stresses.

"You're telling me you wrote down my secrets?!" (Y/N) raises a brow as she sits next to Marinette at her desk. "Please tell me you didn't write about Chat Noir!"

"I did, but... no one will ever find out!" Marinette calms down her frantic friends. "Try it out, Tikki."

Tikki flies inside the box and attempts to pick up the diary, only for it to slam down on her and lock her inside.

"Hey!" Tikki's muffled voice comes from within the box.

"It works." (Y/N) says, impressed.

Marinette quickly takes the key and unlocks the box, allowing Tikki to come free.

"Mr. Bourgeois was re-elected as Mayor of Paris for his 4th consecutive term. Here, we see Mr. Bourgeois with his daughter."

The reporter's voice catches the girl's attention. They look towards the television and see that the news was showing a live feed of Chloe and her father waving towards the crowd. Chloe looking more happy to be there than her father did.

Marinette groans at the footage. "Ugh, look at Chloe. She's acting as if she were the mayor."

"That reminds me, class representative elections are tomorrow." (Y/N) snaps her fingers in remembrance.

Both girls groan at that.

"What's so bad about that?" Feu asks, chowing down on some chicken Marinette had made and stored away for him.

"Chloe's running for class rep." (Y/N) groans. "The one person that cares about herself more than the students."

"Well, maybe you one of you two should run." Tikki suggests.

"No thank you, I have enough politics in my life. I don't need anymore." (Y/N) says, thinking about her parents.

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