1.4 - Lady Wifi

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Authors Note:

If you see anything that looks like this: (#)word it's not a mistake. From now on, if you don't know what the word or words mean, then you can look at the bottom of the chapter and there will be a definition there for you! These are mainly going to be for words that are in french. I'm trying my hardest to incorporate the language into the book because these characters are French themselves. With that being said, enjoy!

(Y/N)'s POV:

The rest of the class and I sat in our desks, listening to Mrs. Bustier speak to us.

"I'm very pleased with how you all did on your assignment. Some of you have really stepped up and I do appreciate it. She praised, but it was short-lived. "Now it's time to move on to our next assignment."

My attention span wore off long ago, but when I noticed Chloe snickering at something, it refocused my attention. I looked to where her eyesight was and I saw that she was looking toward Alya holding a picture (seeming to have a head shape cut out of it) up to Mrs. Bustier's face who was confused.

"Is Marinette still in the Lady's room?" Mrs. Bustier asked Alya.

'When did she even leave? I wasn't paying attention.'

"I don't know." Alya responded. After that, the bell rung dismissing us from class, but not before Mrs. Bustier assigned us more homework.

As we left class, I waved goodbye to Adrien and Nino and went toward Alya who was still trying to contact Marinette. We checked around the building for her, but having no luck once or ever. Eventually, we had to make a pit stop at the locker room so I could get my things, but I was dragged back around the corner by the back of my shirt.

Before I could say anything, Alya shushed me and pointed toward Chloe who was looking around suspiciously before placing a ladybug themed yo-yo in her bag.

Being a miraculous user, I already knew that your weapons disappear with your costume after you de-transform. So Ladybug couldn't be Chloe. However, I could see the gears turning in Alya's head as she analyzed the scene in front of her.

After quickly running away (because Chloe was coming in our direction) we found Nino by himself on a bench and sat with him. Alya pulled out her tablet as she explained to Nino what we saw.

"I think I figured out who the real Ladybug is." She whispered to us both, even though I knew who she thought it was already. "Chloe."

Nino stared at her for a full minute before busting out laughing. Me joining in as he snorted loudly.

"Chloe? Seriously? She's too self-absorbed to think of anyone but herself. Much less save the world, you're cray-cray lady!" Nino jokes, but still putting in his opinion on the matter.

"I'm not crazy! Tell him, (Y/N)!" Alya turns to me.

I wasn't expecting her to turn to me so quickly so I froze for a minute. I'm saw the desperation in her eyes as she silently begged to have someone agree with her.

"Chloe did pull a yo-yo out of her locker, but I really don't think that's enough evidence to prove she's Ladybug. She could just have bought Ladybug merchandise and was embarrassed about having it on her." I put my opinion on the matter, but also defended Alya's claim about seeing Chloe with a yo-yo.

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