1.21 - Guitar Villain

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3rd Person POV:

"So, what do you think of the new single for my next album? Can you feel it, Bob? Isn't it killer?" Jagged asks his manager after he played his newly written song for him, "My Miraculous."

"Not bad, Jagged, not bad. But if you really want to make something killer, let's talk about this duet with Mr. XY." Bob proposes to Jagged.

"No way," Jagged immediately shoots the idea down. "He's not a rocker? He's a baby. I bet he doesn't even shave yet." The British man strokes his beard flauntingly.

"Well, this baby just pushed you out of the Number one sales spot." Bob shoves the chart in Jagged's face.

"So? That doesn't make him a true musician like me. Penny thinks everything I do is rockstar material. She thinks I'm killer." Jagged replies.

No one notices when Penny looks away bashfully.

"Penny may be your agent, but I'm your real boss! Bottom line is that Bob Roth Records cannot afford to be Number 2 in sales nor rep a number 2 rockstar!" Bob says, ignoring the nasty look Jagged gave him for calling Penny less than what she was to him. "Get real, Jagged. You have to modernize your music. Change your look, get a whole new style!"

"You wanna talk real? I'm a genuine rock'n roller, Bob! Not some popstar in diapers. I'm an real artist with real talent, even my hair's real. That's what people love about me." Jagged defends himself and his career. "Besides, the artwork you did for my album is a waste of my time. Seriously, Bob, what is this trash, it looks like a perfume ad!"

Jagged points an accusing finger at the posters Bob brought in that were completely different that what he was used to. It genuinely made him look like he was in a boy band and not at all a professional rockstar soloist.

"And that's what people want these days!" Bob snaps.

"Well I don't." Jagged firmly replies. "My album cover is raw to the bone, exuding the smell of sweat and leather."

"You do know that if your album doesn't rank Number one in the charts, it'll be the last one you ever do at Bob Roth Records!" Bob threatens Jagged's career.

"I'd rather put out nothing at all than sing a pathetic duet with some baby-faced nobody." Jagged rolls his eyes at his manager, clearly becoming irritated with the man.

"Bob, Jagged and I had an idea. It's concept is modern but it also respects Jagged's own.. rugged.. style." Penny steps in.

"The school girls who made these glasses has real talent. They totally get my style, one clearly more than the other, of course. But they'll design the cover of my new album." Jagged suggests.

"Schoolgirls?" Bob questions in distaste.

"See, that's just it. Their the same age as the target audience." Penny persuades as she hands Bob a sheet of paper. "Here's the bluenette's address. The other one will most likely be with her."

Originally, Bob was going to refuse but one look at the snarling gator by Jagged's side changed his mind.

"Okay! But think about that duet with Mr. XY!" Bob says as he departs.

"Find those girls, Bob!" Jagged ignores the man.


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