1.23 - Simon Says

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3rd Person POV:

"Welcome back to everyone's number one favorite game show, The Challenge! Let's give it up for our next awesome contestant, Nino!"

(Y/N) and Adrien shoot a supporting glance at their friend, who smiles back as he goes up onstage. Marinette would have been here as well, but she texted (Y/N) that she was grounded because she's always absent from school and her parents didn't like the fact that's she's never where she's supposed to be.

(Y/N) couldn't relate.

"So Nino, you're a student and a DJ, that's pretty awesome, check out the decks we got for you!" Alec introduces, "So the challenge I've chosen for you is... to get the mayor of Paris, André Bourgeois, to dance!"

The mayor is pulled up on screen, as high and mighty as ever.

"Thank you for playing with us today sir. What are Nino's chances of winning?" Alec asks the mayor.

"Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on the dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten." André says, making Nino freak out a little.

He shoots a look at his friends who give him a thumbs up (Adrien) and a signal to breathe ((Y/N)).

Nino nods his head at his friends and begins to play his tunes, using his skills the best of his ability to complete his challenge.


"The challenge, what an interesting concept. A TV show with such potential for negative emotion. Oh, the destructive mayhem we could cause."

Hawkmoth awaits the moment for someone to slip up and then he'll be prepared to strike.


As Nino was playing his tunes, a director leads a man in a shiny pink tux next to Adrien and (Y/N). They look towards the nervous man who seemed to be up next as he looks back in there direction.

Adrien waves at the man to ease his nerves and the man happily waves back, preparing to shake his hand, but Adrien's bodyguard, Gorilla, steps in front of him, prepared to pound the man into the ground.

"No, it's okay!" Adrien stops the bodyguard as (Y/N) awkwardly steps to the side, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

No one seemed to pay them any mind as Nino continued to jam out, the mayor unconsciously nodding his head to the beat. Alec immediately noticing.

"Victory!" He calls out making Nino, smile widely. "Challenge conquered by Nino! You moved your head to the beat Mayor Bourgeois, that counts as dancing!"

"What?! That's not true! My neck was.. itching that's all!" The mayor tries to lie his way out.

"Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing too!" Alec sees through the act. "Nino, congratulations! You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge!"

Nino exits the stage and returns to his friends who bring him into a group hug, (Y/N) crying crocodile tears with how proud she was.

"And now for our next contestant, please welcome, Simon Bremo!" Alec introduces.

The man in pink who originally stood next to them heads his way over to the stage, (Y/N) choosing to shoot a thumbs up at him which makes him shyly blush and smile back.

"Mr. Bremo, you are a hypnotist. You use card tricks to hypnotize people to get what you want!" Alec introduces the man, quite incorrectly.

"Well.. yes, I'm a hypnotist, but I don't use my skills to get anything." Simon shyly but firmly says as he takes out his cards.

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