1.15 - Gamer

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3rd Person POV:

(f/c) - Favorite Color
Lots of fluff between Nathaniel and (Y/N)
Maybe a little bit of Y/NChat?

"Dear Diary, guess what? I was two spots away from accidentally revealing my secret identity to Chat Noir." Marinette speaks aloud as she writes in her diary. "(Y/N) might've been the luckiest one, she only had one flame left, and she de-transformed as soon as we got back to the bakery."

"Marinette, I still don't know how I feel about my secrets also being in that diary." (Y/N) re-enters Marinette's room. "Even my crush on Chat Noir is in there?"

"It sure is! It even mentions your secret shrine about him!" Marinette giggles.

"You're not even supposed to know about that!" (Y/N) groans, "Who snitched!"

"Feu, did it." Tikki and Marinette point at the fiery kwami who tried his best to hide behind Marinette's pigtails.

"It slipped." Feu simply says.

(Y/N) shakes her head but ultimately lets it slide since she knew the Kwami couldn't keep a secret to save his life.

"You're good, It's not as big as Marinette's shrine to Adrien, and she has hers all over her room." (Y/N) stares at a now blushing Marinette.


"Anyways, we need to head back to the school. Nathaniel texted me that there were too many people. Besides, weren't you going to meet Alya back at school to research your term paper?" (Y/N) interrupts, not allowing Marinette to lie her way out.

"Crap! I'm late! Again!" Marinette quickly locks up her diary and the girls sprint out of the bakery, heading straight for the school.


The girls quickly catch their breath as they enter the school, the faint sound of video game music catching their attention.

"What's that noise?" Tikki appears, making Feu pop his out of (Y/N)'s bag.

"Hide, you two! We'll go see." Marinette whispers as they begin to walk toward the sound.

(Y/N) opens the door to the library, allowing Marinette to walk in first. The girls stumble upon their class playing video games. The two players that were currently competing against each other was the class nerd, Max, versus the class golden boy, Adrien.

(Y/N) gains Marinette's attention and points toward Nathaniel who was off in the corner by Kim. Marinette waves her off, signaling that she'll be okay on her own so (Y/N) could go greet Nathaniel.

"What's going on?" Marinette asks Alya, who was recording.

Alya only shushes her because she was so invested into the current match.

Rose speaks in Alya's place, "Try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike 3 Tournament. The school sends the two students with the highest scores!"

"Actually, the tryouts are for a partner to team up with Max." Kim speaks, walking up to Marinette with (Y/N) and Nathaniel following behind them.

"Why Max?" Marinette asks in confusion.

"Apparently, he's unbeatable." (Y/N) responds, allowing Nathaniel to play with her fingers, the crowd too big for his liking. "He's got the highest APM over anyone."

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